The secrets of the Black Seraph discipline are taught by possessing fiends and demonic tutors to their pawns as a way of enticing fools who desire power into learning their secrets or the occasional few with wills strong enough to tear those secrets from their infernal prisoners. Not ones to blanch at the thought of fighting dirty, Black Seraph disciples are quite content to injure their foes in any way that they can to ensure their victory. This discipline focuses on powerful, straightforward two-handed strikes and vicious counters as well as intimidation, pain-infliction, and dirty fighting.
The Black Seraph discipline’s associated skill is Intimidate, and its associated weapon groups are axes, flails, and pole arms.
The discipline of Black Seraph is a supernatural discipline and all abilities within are considered supernatural abilities and follow the rules and restrictions of such. Many abilities in this discipline carry the [evil] descriptor, but not all of them.
Associated Skills: Intimidate
Associated Weapon Groups: Axes, flails, and pole arms
Martial Tradition: Black Thorn Knights
Title Veil: The Fallen
Style Feats:
Combo Feats:
Profane Damage
Profane damage comes from attacks that are heavily infused with the power of sheer Evil and carry this unholy power over as a form of harmful energy to good-aligned beings. Profane damage deals full damage to incorporeal targets and deals damage as if the weapon were evil-aligned. As it is not a weapon damage type, it automatically bypasses all damage reduction. |
(Editor's Note: Previously, profane damage dealt an extra 50% damage to good-aligned targets. This has since been changed in errata to function as shown in the above box. Some maneuvers and feats may work differently after this change.)
1st Level Black Seraph Maneuvers[]
Maneuver | Type | Description |
Black Seraph’s Glare | Stance | Damage foes to make a demoralization attempt as a free action with a +4 profane bonus. |
Gutstrike | Strike | Make an attack, chance to sicken opponent for one round. |
Ravaging Blow | Strike | Make an attack, inflict an additional 1d6 points of profane damage and the target is shaken for one round. |
Savage Stance | Stance | When wielding a weapon in two hands, -2 to attacks and add an additional 1d8 points of damage. |
Strength of Hell | Boost | Gain +2 profane bonus to attack rolls, add 1d6 points of damage, -2 penalty to AC. |
Voracious Drive | Strike | Charging attack, deals an additional 1d6 damage. |
2nd Level Black Seraph Maneuvers[]
Maneuver | Type | Description |
Fear Eating Technique | Boost | Successful demoralization restores 2d6 +1/initiator level in hit points. |
Inner Demon Strike | Strike | Attack deals an additional 4d6 points of profane damage; initiator suffers 1d6 points of damage. |
Intimidating Force | Counter | Make an Intimidate check to avoid an attack. |
Seraph’s Wrath | Strike | Melee strike that adds +2d6 damage and forces your foe to make a Reflex save to not be knocked prone. |
Shadow Feather Strike | Strike | Ranged touch attack that attacks your foe with feathers of shadow doing 4d6 + initiator level profane damage. |
3rd Level Black Seraph Maneuvers[]
Maneuver | Type | Description |
Black Seraph Battle Stance | Stance | The initiator’s weapon gains the unholy special weapon property and he gains the benefits of a protection from good spell. |
Savage Drive | Strike | Charging attack, deals an additional 4d6 damage. |
Taunting Laugh | Boost | Make an Intimidate check to give your opponent pause, causing your foe to become demoralized and flat-footed. |
Tendon Rip | Strike | Melee attack inflicts an additional 2d6 points of damage; halves the opponent’s move speed for 1d4 rounds. |
Unfettered Progression | Boost | Make a 10-ft movement without attacks of opportunity, next attack inflicts +2d6 points of damage and ignores DR. |
4th Level Black Seraph Maneuvers[]
Maneuver | Type | Description |
Bilious Strike | Strike | Powerful strike that damages the target’s insides, inflicting +6d6 profane damage and nauseates. |
Circle of Razor Feathers | Strike | Make a 30-ft area attack of cutting feathers, resulting in 8d6 points of profane damage and potentially sicken foes. |
Vengeful Riposte | Counter | Make a free counterattack at target and target is staggered with agony. |
Walk in the Dark | Stance | Initiator is surrounded by an aura of darkness, gains darkvision and may frighten foes within this aura. |
5th Level Black Seraph Maneuvers[]
Maneuver | Type | Description |
Abyssal Lance | Strike | Ranged touch attack which deals 10d6 points of profane damage, chance to stun. |
Sensory Rip | Strike | Strike at the face of an opponent, inflicts an additional 1d4 Charisma damage and has a chance to blind the opponent. |
Sharing the Dark Soul | Strike | Make an attack, deals an additional 8d6 profane damage, imposes a -4 penalty on Will saves and level to resist demoralization attempts. |
Soul Consumption | Boost | Draw power and health from fallen foes, healing 3d8 plus initiator level upon killing a target. |
6th Level Black Seraph Maneuvers[]
Maneuver | Type | Description |
Abyssal Drive | Strike | Charging attack, deals an additional 8d6 points of damage, leaves foe sickened for 1d4 rounds. |
Black Seraph’s Wrath | Boost | Make an Intimidate check, add the result as profane damage to next successful attack. |
Razor Wings of the Black Seraph | Stance | Gain a fly speed, +2 profane bonus to AC, and gain the use of the Whirlwind Attack feat. |
Shadow Raptor Swarm | Strike | A 30-ft cone of screaming, shadowy birds causing 12d6 profane damage and leaves foes shaken. |
7th Level Black Seraph Maneuvers[]
Maneuver | Type | Description |
Armageddon Lance | Strike | Ranged touch attack which deals an additional 14d6 points of damage and panics target. |
Charge of the Ravager | Strike | Make a charge attack, may make a full attack upon target, make attacks on foes along charge path, inflicts +2d6 points of damage per attack without provoking attacks of opportunity. |
Consumption Strike | Strike | Make an attack, deals an additional +10d6 points of damage, gain this damage as temporary hit points. |
Devastating Riposte | Counter | Intimidate check against an attack, counter attack that adds 8d6 points of damage. |
8th Level Black Seraph Maneuvers[]
Maneuver | Type | Description |
Apocalyptic Strike | Strike | Damaging attack which deals 16d6 in 40-ft radius and daze opponents within for one round. |
Soul Crusher | Strike | Strike which attacks the opponent’s will to live, inflicting +3d4 Charisma damage. |
Vampiric Aura | Stance | 20 ft radius aura which deals 2d6 profane damage to all within it and heals a like amount to the initiator. |
Void Seraph Strike | Strike | Ranged touch attack causing a foe to be covered in shadowy birds causing 6d6 points of damage per round for 1d4 rounds. This also this gives the foe a 50% miss chance for you and your allies |
9th Level Black Seraph Maneuvers[]
Maneuver | Type | Description |
Black Seraph Onslaught | Strike | Make an extra attack at your full base attack bonus, -2 to hit and to AC, deals an additional 4d6 points of profane damage and nauseates foes. |