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The drow under Saloth are by no measure less despicable than those that were under the Spider Queen. While some culture is assuredly different from that of their subterranean cousins, the deep drow and the surface drow share much in common such as a matriarchic society, blind devotion to a chaotic evil goddess, and a hatred of all that is good and holy. While a few exceptions exist, the deep drow are irredeemably evil.

Physical Description: Deep drow resemble sea elves in litheness and form, though they have dusky blue-grey skin and pupilless violet eyes that glow with a dull radiance. Their hair is typically black or dark gray. Their ears are both pointed and webbed. They are very fond of luminescent tattoos, especially in blue or green, usually depicting meaningful sigils and symbols.

Society: Deep drow are distrustful sadists with a constant readiness to backstab people, both in the figurative and actual sense. Deep drow are taught from an early age to be distrustful of others. Like in any other culture, deep drow culture expects one to advance at the expenses of others. Unlike other cultures, there are no rules for what the "expense of others" has to look like; acceptable forms include treachery and even outright murder.

Deep drow seem less attuned to the arcane arts as surface drow or other elven races. Instead their bodies course with a vile toxin they can secrete as a weapon. Additionally, though they possess the traditional elven frail constitution, deep drow are highly resistant to many poisons. This trait serves them well as the deep drow are the sea’s most renowned poisoners.

Deep drow society, being somewhat matriarchal, allows the females to hold most positions of power in the government, and to choose and discard mates freely. Social station is the most important thing in deep drow society, making ascension to greater power a deep drow's ultimate goal. Deep drow are divided into noble houses, which are also ranked by power.

Relations: Drow are hated and feared by the entire underdeep, but also respected as a powerful force and renowned for their powerful poisons. Outside of the underdeep, they are also known as evil feykith. However, many deep drow of non-evil alignments flee to the surface to avoid persecution. As a result, deep drow are sometimes given the benefit of the doubt in the sunlit regions.

Alignment and Religion: Unfortunately, deep drow society is irredeemably evil. They revel in slavery, tyranny, murder and poison. They have no qualms with dealing directly with demons and the undead. A few exceptions do exist, but they are the minority, seen as weak, and often executed.

The official deity of the deep drow race is Saloth. However, those drow houses in the Dark Trinity have several priests who worship Gorgulth, a forbidden and primordial god. Deep drow of non-evil alignment are often fond of Mariblee.

Adventurers: Most often, a deep drow's personal goal is about increasing one's station in life by whatever means necessary. Resources are scarce in the Underdeep, so many deep drow all adventure to find or obtain new supply sources. Deep drow also love beautiful things, surround themselves with what they consider beautiful, and will often adventure to procure such objects and possessions.

Female Names: Briza, Drisini, Jezzara, Khaless, Larynda, Malice, Nathrae, Phyrra, Talabrina, Zeerith.

Male Names: Belgos, Dresmorlin, Houndaer, Jevan, Jhaamdath, Molvayas, Pharius, Ryltar, Tolokoph, Torrellan.


  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, - 2 Constitution: Deep drow are lithe and charming if a bit frail.
  • Racial Buoyancy -50; Depth Tolerance: 10,000 feet, Pressure Sensitivity: 500 feet
  • Medium: Deep drow are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to size.
  • Aquatic: Deep drow are aquatic and can breathe water. They possess a land speed of 30 feet and a swim speed of 40 feet.
  • Low-light Vision: Feykith can see twice as far as seafolk in conditions of dim light. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Cold Tolerance: Feykith are well accustomed to the cold waters of the sea. Feykith receive a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves versus cold weather, severe cold, or exposure.
  • Feykith Magic: Feykith receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance.
  • Feykith Resistance: Feykith have an immunity to sleep spells and effects. In addition, they receive +2 bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.
  • Glungs: Feykith can breathe both air and water through their mouth and noses, which is then processed through organs known as glungs. For game purposes, these organs function as both gills and lungs.
  • Keen Senses: Feykith have exceptional senses. They receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
  • Landwalker: Feykith can move on land at 75% of their swimming movement rate.
  • Darkvision: Deep drow possess darkvision up to 120 feet.
  • Deep Drow Resistances: Deep drow gain a +4 racial bonus to saves against poisons.
  • Keen Senses: Deep drow receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
  • Light Blindness: Deep drow are not suited for bright lights. Exposure to bright lights blinds a deep drow for 1 round. After the initial round, if the deep drow remains exposed to the light, the deep drow is dazzled.
  • Poison Use: Deep drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.
  • Poisonous Cloud: Deep drow are more attuned to poison than their dryworld cousins. A deep drow’s body secretes a weak toxin that the drow may propel outwards in a cloud once every 2d4+1 rounds. The cloud covers a 5 foot radius centered on the drow. Creatures in the cloud must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 1d4 rounds thereafter. Deep drow are immune to this poison. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the deep drow's character level + the deep drow's Constitution modifier.
  • Languages: Deep drow begin by speaking Dagonite and Salatari. Deep drow with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Austorian, Common, Echinn, Lok’tar, or Sahu.