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Element(s) earth, light, machine, viscera, water, or wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn --

You can augment your limbs with elemental power. If you are missing one or more limbs, you create one or more permanent replacements out of an element; this limb functions in all ways as though it was a natural part of your body, although the limb is still treated as though it is made out of its element for how it is affected by spells and other abilities and lacks tactile sensation. You can accept 1 point of burn to gain a +2 bonus to all Strength checks related to the replaced limb you make for 24 hours.

If you would gain a basic utility wild talent, you can choose to gain this wild talent instead.


Element(s) earth, light, machine, viscera, water, or wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 2; Burn 0

Prerequisite(s) elemental limb

You’ve learned to manipulate the shape of your elemental limbs, turning them into deadly weapons. You can shape a single elemental limb into a fanged mouth, blade, or claw, or back into a limb at will; doing so treats the elemental limb as a primary natural weapon which deals 1d8 (1d6 for Small, 2d6 for Large) bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage (chosen at the time the limb is shaped) and has a critical range of 19-20 and critical multiplier of 2x. This natural attack cannot benefit from the Improved Natural Attack feat, and is considered a kinetic blast for the purpose of feats and abilities which affect weapons of a specific type (such as Weapon Focus). If you have two arms from the elemental limb wild talent, you can choose to have these manifest as two natural weapons, as described above, except they each deal 1d4 damage instead. You can only shape one limb per round with this ability, even if you have more than one elemental limb (shaping two arms into 1d4 weapons counts as shaping a single limb for this purpose).


Element(s) earth, light, machine, viscera, water, or wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 6; Burn 1

Prerequisite(s) improved elemental limb

You can create extra elemental limbs in addition to replacements to your natural ones that last for 24 hours. You can choose to gain an additional pair of arms (which cannot wield weapons or shields, or be used to make attacks), a tail (primary attack, 1d8 damage), or a pair of tentacles (secondary attacks, 1d4). You can grasp objects with these additional limbs. In addition, you can apply the effects of improved elemental limb to a natural limb, covering it in elemental material.
