Library of Metzofitz Wiki

Descriptors: Brand, Mind-affecting

Class: Guru, Huay, Kheshig, Vizier, Volur

Slot: Head

Saving Throw: Will negates

You mark the branded as they are: a fool to be manipulated to your desires.

Applying this brand to a creature can be done using purely mental actions that do not reveal yourself as the user of the brand. If a creature fails their saving throw against this brand, they do not realize they are under its effects. If a creature passes their saving throw, they realize someone attempted to affect them with a mental ability, but they do not necessarily know that you were the source. You may make a Disguise check as part of applying this brand, hiding the manifestation upon the target. The brand is nearly invisible when applied, even when invested with essence, granting a +5 bonus to this Disguise check. When the brand is removed from the creature, they do not realize they were under a mental effect.

Creatures branded by this veil suffer a -1 penalty to Sense Motive and Perception checks against you, and the DC to influence them with Diplomacy is reduced by 1.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, the penalty on Sense Motive and Perception checks against you is worsened by -1. For every 2 points of essence invested, the DC to influence them with Diplomacy is reduced by 1.

Chakra Bind (Head): [G8, Hu6, K5, Vi6, Vo5] Binding this veil to your Head chakra allows you to further fool the mind of the branded creature. When you attempt to place this brand on a creature, you can choose for it to charm them as well for as long as they are branded, as the charm person spell. If you choose to do so, but the creature is currently being threatened by you or your allies they gain a +5 bonus to their saving throw. You may only charm humanoid creatures or outsiders with the native subtype using this ability. Unlike the normal effects of this veil, if you remove the veil from while they are charmed, they immediately realize they were under the effects of a mental compulsion you caused.
