Library of Metzofitz Wiki

Descriptors: none

Class: Daevic, Stormbound, Vizier

Slot: Head

Saving Throw: none

Curving horns of pure Akasha swirl forth from your brow constantly reflecting their own fell light.

The curving akashic horns of this veil give you a gore attack that deals 1d4 damage. Unlike most gore attacks, this is always treated as a secondary attack; however the wearer may use their veilweaver level in place of their base attack bonus for this attack.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil the damage it deals is increased by +2.

Chakra Bind (Head): [D12, St6, V6] Binding this veil to your Head chakra allows it to be treated as a primary natural attack, even when used in conjunction with manufactured weapons. In addition, the veilweaver gains a +1 insight bonus per point of essence invested on all attack rolls made with this veil.
