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This chapter contains altered and new spells for an underwater game. While the spells from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook that were not altered here were designed for a land campaign involving humanoid characters with hands and feet, it is not too hard to extrapolate an underwater effect for them, and fins, flippers, and tentacles can easily replace hands and feet in the description. Likewise, if a spell refers to walking and running, it now refers to swimming and diving. All aquatic races can cast spells underwater without the need for a concentration check (as is called for non-aquatic races to cast spells underwater).

Other Notable Exceptions[]

Invisibility Effects: In the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, invisibility spells cause a bubble-like effect underwater, rendering the invisible creature partially visible. Aquatic races have since compensated for this effect. Invisibility works normally when cast underwater, causing the subject to be visually undetectable by normal means. However, when a subject becomes invisible underwater and then moves to the surface, he appears as a watery shape, much like if invisibility was cast above the water and the subject went below. In essence, invisibility specifically refers to the medium it is cast in. While outside of that medium, the subject is granted concealment (20% miss chance). In any case, invisibility is somewhat less effective in an underwater environment, because a good percentage of creatures can detect you without using sight.

Etherealness, Freedom of Movement, and Incorporeal Effects: While subject to these effects, creatures are immune to the effects of pressure and drag. In addition they maintain zero buoyancy, regardless of their load. As soon as the effect wears off, so does the immunity.

[Chronomancy] Descriptor: This magic often results in the loss or gain of Karma (as noted in each description). Spells from previous sourcebooks that can be considered to have this descriptor are swift retreat, anticipate peril, haste, sands of time, slow, age resistance (all), contingency, sequester, moment of prescience, temporal stasis, foresight, and time stop. The spells on the list above 2nd level (all those after anticipate peril) cause the loss of 1 Karma when cast. Time stop causes an additional loss of 2 Karma.

Cold Energy Effects: At depths of fewer than 300 feet, spells that create extreme cold also form potentially damaging ice crystals. Below 300 feet, the pressure is too great to form ice from water.

Fire Energy Effects: Instead of fire as an energy type, it is replaced by steam. Steam appears as a billowing white cloud that creates a curtain of steam bubbles above it. Hot water has a shimmering diffraction effect on water that is as obscuring as smoke is on land. Steam-based spells cannot catch flammable objects on fire like fire- based spells can, though most aquatic objects could not be considered flammable in any case.

Electricity Energy Effects: Electricity is a common element under the ocean, though it assumes a much different form than it does on land. On land, electricity is known for its bright crackling arcs of lightning. While these are not unheard of in an undersea setting, the fact is that the oceans rarely get hit with lightning. The surface water of the sea does not typically heat up enough to cause the positive charge needed for lightning to occur. When it does occur, it is almost always near shore. After lightning hits the water, it disperses in a great and terrible electrical sphere that is as deadly as it is undetectable. The picture this paints of underwater electricity is more commonly exemplified by the electric eel. Instead of flashy and sweeping arcs, electricity is known for its invisible spheres of damage. The lightning bolt of the sea, electrical surge, is actually a small sphere of electricity that travels towards the target, rather than a continuous arc. Aside from a trail of dead plankton and the occasional bubble of steam, this effect is relatively quiet and undetectable compared to its drylander equivalent.

[Ice] Descriptor: Spells with this designator are also considered to have the [cold] descriptor. This magic often creates ice but will not have this effect at depths greater than 300 feet unless they are augmented through the Piercing Cold feat. Spells from the CERULEAN SEAS CAMPAIGN SETTING sourcebook that can be considered to have this descriptor are cone of ice, frazil ice, glacial current, ice-water jet and icy sphere. Spells that magically conjure ice usually do not have this descriptor, as the ice from this magic is called in from elsewhere rather than created from nearby seawater.

Levitation: This spell essentially takes over the buoyancy of a creature or object, superseding any forces natural buoyancy exerts. Creatures can swim and fight normally while under the effects of this spell while below the water. They can float up, sink down, or remain level all at the given rate of the spell. However, once above the water, levitation works as written.

Other Flying Effects: Under the water, effects that let you fly give you 0 buoyancy regardless of load. One-quarter of the fly speed conferred by magic can be applied to the subject’s base swim speed with a successful Fly check, DC 15. Subjects cannot add this speed in areas with a current moving faster than 30 feet, or when they are disoriented.

Prone Effects: Any effect that renders a creature prone, instead renders a creature disoriented.

Devonian Magic: Except for capture shark, all of the spells from Cerulean Seas: Viridian Veil may function outside of water and their effects will extend beyond the water’s surface. This is different from many spells presented in the Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting.

Aquatic Material Components[]

Material components and foci that are not normally found in the water can be substituted according to Table 6-1.

Terrestrial Component Aquatic Equivalent
Acorn Sea Shell
Adder's stomach Eel's stomach
Alcohol Rotten kelp
Alum soaked in vinegar Alum
Ant, queen King Crab
Ash Silt
Basilisk eyelash Catoblepas whisker
Bat fur Skin from a ray
Bear fur/hair Crocodile scales
Belladonna Sea fan
Bird’s eye Eye of fish
Biscuit Oyster
Bull hair Shark scales
Candle Jellyfish
Cat hair, black Albatross feather
Cat hair, non-black Dolphin tooth
Chameleon skin/scales Cuttlefish tentacle
Cocoon Tadpole tail
Copper piece (coin) Cowry shell
Cotton Kelp cloth
Cricket, live Live waterbeetle
Dart Crossbow bolt
Dried carrot Water lily root
Dust Plankton
Eagle parts (any) The equivalent osprey part
Elephant ivory Walrus ivory
Feathers (most types) Fish Scales1
Fire None2
Flash powder Jellyfish tendrils
Fleece or wool Sea wool sponge
Fox, hair Octopus tentacle
Garlic, Powdered Crushed water lotus root
Graveyard dirt Deep sea silt
Glue Bitumen
Gum arabic Mangrove sap
Hen’s heart Heart of a tuna
Herring scales, powdered Crushed herring scales
Holy (or unholy) water Holy (or unholy) sand
Honey or honeycomb Nori seaweed
Hoof, powdered Hippocampus hoof
Horse hair Hippocampus scales
Incense (burning) Smellstone (crushed)
Incense (in general) Smellstone
Insect hive Barnacle
Iron, powdered Rust flakes
Lantern Jellyfish
Licorice root Lillypad root
Lime, powdered Limestone
Molasses Algae
Mushroom spores Crushed barnacle shells
Nail, cold iron Mithrite nail
Nitric acid Swampfruit
Nut shells Clam shells
Owl feather Bit of turtle shell
Paint Dye
Peas, dried or powdered Crushed kelp berries
Pin, Silver Gold pin
Pitch Tar
Poppy Sea anemone
Pully, small Bobber
Rhubarb leaf, powdered Crushed cattail stalk
Ring, iron Auranite ring
Rose petals Water lily petals
Saffron Frogwort leaves
Salt Dead coral
Sesame seeds Sea-grass Seeds
Silk Mussel cloth
Silver dust Gold dust
Silver coin Shell piece
Silver crescent Gold crescent
Skunk cabbage Aquatic cabbage weed
Smoke Octopus ink
Soot Black sand
Spider web Fishing net
Spider, live Live sea spider
Sweat Spit
Talc Beach sand
Thorn Sea urchin spine
Water Air (bubbles)
Water, natural pool Water at the surface
Whistle, silver Gold whistle
Whitewash White sand

1If a particular type of bird is called for, then the equivalent fish should be used. For example, if a parrot feather is needed, scales from a parrotfish will be required.

2Spells that require fire as a material component must be cast above the water.

Aquatic Equivalents of Existing Spells[]

Spells from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’ Guide that are not listed on Table 6-2 below are assumed to work normally (with the exceptions noted at the beginning of this chapter). Whenever an ability or effect refers to a spell listed on the table below, it instead refers to its listed equivalent.

Unless otherwise noted, the aquatic equivalents are detailed in this chapter.

Terrestrial Spell Aquatic Equivalent
Acid Fog Acid Murk
Acid Pit2 Acid Bubble
Alter Winds2 Alter Currents
Animate Plants Animate Flora
Ant Haul2 Crab Haul1
Ball Lightning2 Scathing Eels
Bear’s Endurance Crocodile’s Endurance1
Bear’s Endurance, Mass Crocodile’s Endurance, Mass1
Bless Water Bless Sand
Bloodhound2 Shark Nose1
Bomber’s Eye2 Bomber’s Acuity
Brand, Greater2 Tattoo, Greater1
Brand2 Tattoo1
Bull’s Strength Shark’s Strength1
Bull’s Strength, Mass Shark’s Strength, Mass1
Burning Gaze2 Boiling Gaze
Burning Hands Boiling Hands
Call Lighting Storm Call Red Tide
Call Lightning Call Red Current
Campfire Wall2 Wall of Jellyfish
Cat’s Grace Dolphin’s Grace1
Cat’s Grace, Mass Dolphin’s Grace, Mass1
Chain Lightning Electrical Cascade
Chameleon Stride2 Cuttlefish Stride1
Cloak of Winds2 Cloak of Waves
Cloudkill Murkill
Command Plants Command Flora
Cone of Cold Cone of Ice
Contagion Aquatic Contagion
Contagious Flame2 Boiling Light
Continual Flame Stormfire
Control Plants Control Flora
Control Winds Control Current
Create Water Create Air
Create Pit2 Entrapping Bubble
Creeping Doom Drifting Doom
Curse Water Curse Sand
Dancing Lantern2 Dancing Jellyfish
Delayed Blast Fireball Slow Boil
Dragon’s Breath2 Song Dragon’s Breath
Dust of Twilight2 Silt of Twilight1
Eagle Eye2 Eye of the Osprey1
Eagle’s Splendor Osprey’s Splendor1
Eagle’s Splendor, Mass Osprey’s Splendor, Mass1
Earthquake Seaquake
Expeditious Retreat Swift Retreat
Feast of Ashes2 Feast of Silt1
Feather Fall Neutralize Buoyancy
Feather step2 Bubble Bob1
Feather step, Mass2 Bubble Bob, Mass1
Fiery Body2 Boiling Body
Fire Breath2 steam Breath
Fire of Entanglement2 Ensnaring Currents
Fire of Judgement2 Light of Judgment1
Fire of Vengeance2 Steam of Vengeance
Fire Seeds Steam Shells
Fire Shield Boiling Shield
Fire Snake2 Steaming Eel
Fire storm Steaming Maelstrom
Fire Trap Boil Trap
Fireball Mageboil
Firebrand2 Lavamark
Firefall2 Volcanic Vent
Flame Arrow Electric Arrow
Flame Blade Boiling Blade
Flames of the Faithful2 Steam of the Sacred
Flame Strike Steam Strike
Flaming Sphere Boiling Bubble
Fog Cloud Murk
Form of the Dragon (I-III) Form of the Song Dragon (I-III)
Fox’s Cunning Octopus’s Cunning1
Fox’s Cunning, Mass Octopus’s Cunning, Mass1
Freezing Sphere Icy Sphere
Gaseous Form Aqueous Form
Giant Form (I-II) Sea Titan Form (I-II)
Giant Vermin Jumbo Shellfish
Glide2 Surf
Grease Slippery Ice
Grove of Respite2 Garden of Respite
Guards and Wards Wards and Guards
Gust of Wind Undertow
Holy Sword Holy Trident1
Hungry Pit2 Constricting Bubble
Ice Storm Frazil Ice
Incendiary Cloud Boiling Murk
Insect Plague Piranha Plague
Instant Armor2 Quick Armor
Lightning Bolt Electrical Surge
Liveoak Livecoral
Mage’s Faithful Hound Mage’s Faithful Sea Lion
Mage’s Sword Mageblade1
Magic Stone Magic Pebble1
Meteor Swarm Lava Swarm
Mind Fog Mind Murk
Mount Steed
Obscuring Mist Ink
Owl’s Wisdom Turtle’s Wisdom1
Owl’s Wisdom, Mass Turtle’s Wisdom, Mass1
Phantasmal Web2 Phantasmal Net
Phantom Steed Phantom Mount
Plant Growth Flora Growth
Polar Ray Glacial Current
Pyrotechnics Aquatechnics
Ray of Frost Ice-water Jet
Reincarnation Renascence
Reverse Gravity Reverse Buoyancy
River of Wind2 River at Sea
Scorching Ray Boiling Jet
Shambler Angry Algae
Sirocco2 Hot Spring
Sleet Storm School of Sardines
Solid Fog Quagmire
Spark2 Electrify
Spiked Pit2 Vacuum Bubble
Stinking Cloud Swamp Water
Stormbolts2 Eel’s Armor1
Storm of Vengeance Black Maelstrom
Stumble Gap2 Bumble Bubbles
Summon Monster (I-IX) Summon Sea Monster (I-IX)
Summon Nature’s Ally (I-IX) Summon Sea’s Ally (I-IX)
Summon Swarm Summon School
Swarm Skin2 School of Scales
Thorn Body2 Urchin Body1
Vomit Swarm2 Disgorge School
Wall of Fire Wall of steam
Water Breathing Easy Breathing
Web Net
Whirlwind Whirlpool
Whispering Wind Whispering Waves1
Wind Wall Water Wall
Winds of Vengeance2 Tides of Vengeance

1These spells are detailed in this chapter.

2These spells are detailed in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’ Guide.

All other spells are detailed in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

Updated Aquatic Spellcaster Lists[]

Aquatic Alchemist Formulae[]

Complete Aquatic Formulae List[]

1st-Level Alchemist Formulaebomber’s acuity, comprehend languages, crab haul (same as ant haul), crafter’s fortune, cure light wounds, detect secret doors, detect undead, disguise self, endure elements, enlarge person, identify, jump, keen senses, negate aroma, reduce person, shield, stone fist, swift retreat, touch of the sea, true strike.

2nd-Level Alchemist Formulaeaid, alchemical allocation, alter self, barkskin, blur, crocodile’s endurance (same as bear’s endurance), cure moderate wounds, darkvision, delay poison, detect thoughts, disgorge school, dolphin’s grace (same as cat’s grace), elemental touch, false life, invisibility, levitate, octopus’s cunning (same as fox’s cunning), osprey’s splendor (same as eagle’s splendor), perceive cues, protection from arrows, resist energy, restoration, see invisibility, shark’s strength (same as bull’s strength), spider climb, steam breath, transmute potion to poison, turtle’s wisdom (same as owl’s wisdom), undetectable alignment.

3rd-Level Alchemist Formulaeabsorbing touch, amplify elixir, aqueous form, arcane sight, beast shape I, cure serious wounds, displacement, draconic reservoir, easy breathing, elemental aura , fly, haste, heroism, nondetection, protection from energy, rage, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, seek thoughts, shark nose (same as bloodhound), tongues, urchin body (same as thorn body).

4th-Level Alchemist Formulaeair walk, arcane eye, beast shape II, cure critical wounds, death ward, detonate, discern lies, elemental body I, fluid form, freedom of movement, invisibility (greater), neutralize poison, restoration, song dragon’s breath, spell immunity, boiling shield, stoneskin, universal formula.

5th-Level Alchemist Formulaebeast shape III, contact other plane, delayed consumption, dream, elemental body II, elude time, magic jar, nightmare, overland flight, planar adaptation, plant shape I, polymorph, resurgent transformation, sending, spell resistance.

6th-Level Alchemist Formulaeanalyze dweomer, beast shape IV, elemental body III, eyebite, form of the song dragon I, heal, mislead, plant shape II, sea titan form I, shadow walk, statue, transformation, true seeing, twin form, wind walk.

New and Altered Formulae[]


Bomber's Acuity: Increases plunge weapon range; +1 attack.

Swift Retreat: Your base swim speed increases by 30 ft.


Disgorge School: Produces a school of lamprey that fights for you.

Steam Breath: Exhale a cone of steam at will.


Aqueous Form: Subject becomes insubstantial, gains 0 buoyancy, and becomes immune to pressure.

Easy Breathing: Breath both water and air.


Song Dragon's Breath: Gives you a song dragon’s breath weapon.

Boiling Shield: Creatures attacking you take steam damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.


Form of the Song Dragon I: Turns you into a Medium song dragon.

Sea Titan Form I: Turns you into a Large sea titan.

Angakkuq Spells[]

Complete Angakkuq Spell List[]

0-Level Angakkuq Spellscreate air, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, know direction, light, mending, purify food and drink, read magic, resistance, virtue.

1st-Level Angakkuq Spellscause fear, chill touch, comprehend language, deadeye’s lore, detect aberration, detect animals or plant, detect secret doors, detect snares and pits, detect undead, endure elements, faerie fire, frost, frostbite, identify, ink, interrogation, keen senses, longstrider, magic fang, pass without trace, ray of enfeeblement, ray of sickening, see alignment, speak with animals, true strike, untether spirit.

2nd-Level Angakkuq Spellsblindness/deafness, chill metal, command undead, communal endure elements , detect thoughts, eye of the osprey, false life, frost fall, ghoul touch, locate object, murk, resist energy, scare, see invisibility, spectral hand, spider climb, undertow, unshakeable chill, warp wood, wood shape.

3rd-Level Angakkuq Spellsaquatic contagion, arcane sight, clairaudience/ clairvoyance, communal resist energy, communal share language, communal spider climb, gentle repose, greater magic fang, mass thaw, halt undead, poison, protection from energy, ray of exhaustion, seek thoughts, tongues, vampiric touch.

4th-Level Angakkuq Spellsanimate dead, arcane eye, bestow curse, communal protection from energy, communal tongues, detect scrying, dispel magic, enervation, fear, frazil ice, freedom of movement, greater false life, locate creature, renascence, rusting grasp, scrying, strong jaw.

5th-Level Angakkuq Spellsanalyze dweomer, atonement, awaken, baleful polymorph, blight, break enchantment, commune with nature, contact other plane, death ward, greater aquatic contagion, legend lore, magic jar, prying eyes, rest eternal, symbol of pain, true seeing, waves of fatigue.

6th-Level Angakkuq Spellscircle of death, create undead, eyebite, find the path, finger of death, greater arcane sight, greater scrying, ironwood, major curse, rancid tide, symbol of fear, symbol of weakness, undeath to death, vision.

New and Altered Angakkuq Spells[]


Frost: Alter your opponents’ equipment so that it continuously frosts up.

Untether Spirit: Vacate the spirit of any tupilaq whose Hit Die is less than or equal to your level.


Aquatic Contagion, Greater: This spell functions as aquatic contagion, except the victim cannot overcome without magic.


Rancid Tide: Murk infects creatures like aquatic contagion.

Aquatic Bard Spells[]

Complete Aquatic Bard Spell List[]

0-Level Aquatic Bard Spellsdancing lights, daze, detect magic, electrify, flare, ghost sound, haunted fey aspect, know direction, light, lullaby, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance, sift, summon instrument, unwitting ally.

1st-Level Aquatic Bard Spellsabundant ammunition, adjuring step, adoration, alarm, alter musical instrument, animate rope, anticipate peril, beguiling gift, blurred movement, borrow skill, bubble bob, cause fear, charm person, chord of shards, compel hostility, comprehend languages, confusion, lesser cure light wounds, dancing lantern, delusional pride, detect secret doors, discern next of kin, disguise self, disguise weapon, ear-piercing scream, erase, flare burst, forced quiet, fumbletongue, glue seal, gong of pursuit, heightened awareness, hideous laughter, hunter’s lore, hypnotism, identify, innocence, invigorate, invisibility alarm, jitterbugs, jury-rig, ki arrow, liberating command, lock gaze, magic aura, magic mouth, memorize page, memory lapse, moment of greatness, negative reaction, neutralize buoyancy, obscure object, play instrument, recharge innate magic, remove fear, restful sleep, saving finale, see alignment, share language, silent image, sleep, slippery ice, solid note, summon minor monster, summon sea monster I, swift retreat, timely inspiration, toilsome chant, touch of gracelessness, undetectable alignment, unnatural lust, unprepared combatant, unseen servant, vanish, ventriloquism, vocal alteration, youthful appearance.

2nd-Level Aquatic Bard Spellsacute senses, allegro, alter self, animal messenger, animal purpose training, animal trance, anonymous interaction, aquatechnics, bestow insight, blindness/deafness, blood biography, blur, boiling blood, boiling invective, bullet ward, cacophonous call, calm emotions, communal share language, commune with fish, compassionate ally, contingent action, create treasure map, cure moderate wounds, darkness, daze monster, delay pain, delay poison, detect thoughts, discovery torch, disguise other, distracting cacophony, distressing tone, dolphin’s grace, dust of twilight, enter image, enthrall, escaping ward, focused scrutiny, gallant inspiration, ghostbane dirge, ghostly disguise, glitterdust, haunting mists, heightened reflexes, heroic fortune, heroism, hidden speech, hold person, honeyed tongue, hypnotic pattern, imperial waterworks, investigative mind, invisibility, locate object, mad hallucination, marching chant, masterwork transformation, mindlocked messenger, minor image, mirror image, misdirection, miserable pity, muffle sound, octopus’s cunning, oppressive boredom, osprey's splendor, path of glory, piercing shriek, pilfering hand, qualm, rage, reckless infatuation, returning weapon, scare, shadow anchor, share memory, shatter, silence, silent table, silk to steel, sonic scream, sound burst, steal voice, suggestion, summon school, summon sea monster II, tactical acumen, technoboom, tongues, unadulterated loathing, versatile weapon, wartrain mount, water stride, whispering waves, zhua of lamprey.

3rd-Level Aquatic Bard Spells— adjustable disguise, aqueous form, arcane concordance, blink, blot, charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, communal delay poison, communal returning weapon, communal tongues, confusion, control summoned creature, coordinated effort, crushing despair, cure serious wounds, curse of disgust, daylight, death from below, deep slumber, dispel magic, displacement, elemental speech, exquisite accompaniment, fear, fearsome duplicate, flexible fury, glibness, good hope, haste, haunting choir, illusory script, lesser geas, mass bubble bob, mass invigorate, invisibility sphere, jester's jaunt, major image, malicious spite, minor dream, overwhelming grief, phantom mount, pierce disguise, prehensile pilfer, purging finale, raging rubble, rain of frogs, remove curse, reviving finale, screwy squid, scrying, sculpt sound, secret page, see invisibility, seek thoughts, sepia snake sigil, slow, smug narcissism, speak with animals, summon sea monster III, terrible remorse, thunderous drums, tiny hut, triggered suggestion, vision of hell, wall of jellyfish, wall of nausea, witness.

4th-Level Aquatic Bard Spells— adjustable polymorph, break enchantment, communal phantom mount, contingent scroll, cure critical wounds, dance of a hundred cuts, denounce, detect scrying, dimension door, discordant blast, dominate person, echolocation, envious urge, feast on fear, forgetful slumber, freedom of movement, greater invisibility, greater path of glory, hallucinatory terrain, heroic finale, hold monster, legend lore, locate creature, mass daze, mass ghostbane dirge, mass heroic fortune, modify memory, neutralize poison, nixie's lure, primal scream, rainbow pattern, repel vermin, secure shelter, serenity, shadow conjuration, shadow step, shocking image, shout, sonic thrust, speak with plants, summon sea monster IV, treasure stitching, utter contempt, virtuoso performance, wall of blindness/deafness, wall of sound, wandering star motes, zone of silence.

5th-Level Aquatic Bard Spellsbard's escape , cloak of dreams, deafening song bolt, dream, false vision, foe to friend, frozen note, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, jellyfish zhua, joyful rapture, ki shout, mass cacophonous call, mass cure light wounds, mass suggestion, mind murk, mirage arcana, mislead, nightmare, persistent image, phantasmal net, resonating word, seeming, shadow evocation, shadow walk, shadowbard, song of discord, stunning finale, summon sea monster V, unwilling shield, vengeful outrage.

6th-Level Aquatic Bard Spells— analyze dweomer, animate objects, brilliant inspiration, dance of a thousand cuts, deadly finale, euphoric tranquility, eyebite, find the path, fool's forbiddance, geas/quest, getaway, greater scrying, greater shout, heroes' feast, irresistible dance, magnifying chime, mass charm monster, mass cure moderate wounds, mass dolphin’s grace, mass octopus's cunning, mass osprey's splendor, overwhelming presence, permanent image, pied piping, programmed image, project image, sonic form, summon sea monster VI, sympathetic vibration, veil, waves of ecstasy, zhua of eels.

New and Altered Bard Spells[]


Gong of Pursuit: Create three tones heard miles away.


Boiling Invective: Use a musical note to boil your opponents.

Commune with Fish: Converse with the local fish.

Imperial Waterworks: Create a display of dragon-like water fountains.

Technoboom: Cause mechanical items to emit a surprising sound.

Water Stride: Walk just above the water.

Zhua of Lamprey: Create a zhua composed of lamprey.


Screwy Squid: Summon a school of ransacking squid.


Phantom Mount, Communal: Communal version of phantom mount.


Jellyfish Zhua: Create a zhua composed of jellyfish.


Zhua of Eels: Create a zhua composed of electric eels.

Aquatic Cleric Spells[]

Complete Aquatic Cleric Spell List[]

0-Level Cleric Spellsbleed, create air, detect magic, detect poison, electrify, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink, read magic, resistance, stabilize, virtue.

1st-Level Cleric Spellsbane, bless sand, bless, cause fear, command, comprehend languages, crab haul (same as ant haul), cure light wounds, curse sand, dancing jellyfish, deathwatch, detect chaos/evil/good/law, detect undead, divine favor, doom, endure elements, endure pressure, entropic shield, freshwater adaptation, hide from undead, inflict light wounds, ink, magic pebble, magic weapon, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, remove fear, sanctuary, shield of faith, summon sea monster I.

2nd-Level Cleric Spellsaid, align weapon, augury, blessing of courage and life, calm emotions, consecrate, crocodile’s endurance (same as bear’s endurance), cure moderate wounds, darkness, death knell, delay poison, desecrate, enthrall, find traps, gentle repose, ghostbane dirge, grace, hold person, inflict moderate wounds, lesser restoration, make whole, oracle's burden (oracle only), osprey’s splendor (same as eagle’s splendor), quick armor, remove paralysis, resist energy, resist pressure, share language, shark’s strength (same as bull’s strength), shatter, shield other, silence, sound burst, spiritual weapon, status, summon sea monster II, turtle’s wisdom (same as owl’s wisdom), undetectable alignment, weapon of awe, zone of truth.

3rd-Level Cleric Spellsanimate dead, aquatic contagion, bestow curse, blindness/deafness, blood biography, borrow fortune (oracle only), create food and water, cure serious wounds, daylight, deeper darkness, dispel magic, easy breathing, elemental speech, enter image, glyph of warding, guiding star, helping hand, inflict serious wounds, invisibility purge, locate object, magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, magic vestment, meld into stone, nap stack, obscure object, prayer, protection from energy, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, sacred bond, searing light, speak with dead, stone shape, stormfire, summon sea monster III, water walk, water wall, wrathful mantle.

4th-Level Cleric Spellsair walk, blessing of fervor, chaos hammer, control water, cure critical wounds, death ward, dimensional anchor, discern lies, dismissal, divination, divine power, freedom of movement, greater magic weapon, holy smite, imbue with spell ability, inflict critical wounds, jumbo shellfish, lesser planar ally, neutralize poison, order’s wrath, planar adaptation, poison, repel vermin, rest eternal, restoration, sending, spell immunity, spiritual ally, summon sea monster IV, tongues, unholy blight.

5th-Level Cleric Spellsatonement, break enchantment, breath of life, cleanse, commune, dispel chaos/evil/good/law, disrupting weapon, greater command, hallow, life bubble, mark of justice, mass cure light wounds, mass ghostbane dirge, mass inflict light wounds, pillar of life, piranha plague, plane shift, raise dead, righteous might, scrying, slay living, snake staff, spell resistance, steam strike, summon sea monster V, symbol of pain, symbol of sleep, treasure stitching, true seeing, unhallow, wall of stone.

6th-Level Cleric Spellsanimate objects, antilife shell, banishment, blade barrier, create undead, find the path, forbiddance, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater glyph of warding, harm, heal, heroes’ feast, mass crocodile’s endurance (same as mass bear’s endurance), mass cure moderate wounds, mass inflict moderate wounds, mass osprey’s splendor (same as mass eagle’s splendor), mass planar adaptation, mass shark’s strength (same as mass bull’s strength), mass turtle’s wisdom (same as mass owl’s wisdom), planar ally, summon sea monster VI, symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion, undeath to death, wind walk, word of recall.

7th-Level Cleric Spellsblasphemy, control weather, destruction, dictum, ethereal jaunt, greater restoration, greater scrying, holy word, mass cure serious wounds, mass inflict serious wounds, refuge, regenerate, repulsion, resurrection, summon sea monster VII, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness, word of chaos.

8th-Level Cleric Spellsantimagic field, cloak of chaos, create greater undead, dimensional lock, discern location, divine vessel (oracle only), eel’s armor (same as stormbolts), euphoric tranquility, greater planar ally, great spell immunity, holy aura, mass cure critical wounds, mass inflict critical wounds, seaquake, shield of law, steaming maelstrom, summon sea monster VIII, symbol of death, symbol of insanity, unholy aura.

9th-Level Cleric Spellsastral projection, black maelstrom, energy drain, etherealness, gate, implosion, mass heal, miracle, soul bind, summon sea monster IX, tides of vengeance, true resurrection.

New and Altered Cleric Spells[]


Electrify: Electrifies one metallic object, causing 1d4 damage when it is touched.

Create Air: Creates up to 1 cubic foot of air/level.


Bless SandM: Makes holy sand.

Curse SandM: Makes unholy sand.

Dancing Jellyfish: A luminescent jellyfish follows you.

Endure Pressure: Better acclimate to the effects of pressure.

Freshwater Adaptation: Allows one subject to endure freshwater without any ill effects.

Ink: Black squid ink surrounds you.

Magic Pebble: Three stones gain +1 on attack, deal 1d6 +1 damage

Summon Sea Monster I: Summons extraplanar sea.


Quick Armor: Summon armor temporarily.

Resist Pressure: Ignore the effects of extreme pressure.

Summon Sea Monster II: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Aquatic Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease.

Easy Breathing: Subjects can breathe air and underwater.

StormfireM: Makes a permanent, luminescent light.

Summon Sea Monster III: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Water Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and splash weapons.


Jumbo Shellfish: Turns lobsters or crabs into giant vermin.

Summon Sea Monster IV: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Piranha Plague: A school of piranha attacks creatures.

Steam Strike: Smites foes with divine steam (1d6/lvl damage).

Summon Sea Monster V: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Summon Sea Monster VI: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Summon Sea Monster VII: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Seaquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft. radius sphere.

Steaming Maelstrom: Deals 1d6/level steam damage.

Summon Sea Monster VIII: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Black Maelstrom: Maelstom fills with acid, electricity, and ice.

Summon Sea Monster IX: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Tides of Vengeance: Increases swim speed; allows you to walk on water; attack with water currents.

Aquatic Inquisitor Spells[]

Complete Aquatic Inquisitor Spell List[]

0-Level Inquisitor Spellsacid splash, bleed, create air, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, guidance, light, read magic, resistance, sift, stabilize, tattoo (same as brand), virtue.

1st-Level Inquisitor Spellsalarm, bane, bless, bless sand,burst bonds, cause fear, command, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, curse sand, detect chaos/evil/good/law, detect undead, disguise self, divine favor, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds, magic weapon, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, remove fear, sanctuary, shield of faith, swift retreat, tireless pursuit, true strike, wrath.

2nd-Level Inquisitor Spellsaid, align weapon, calm emotions, castigate, confess, consecrate, corruption resistance, cure moderate wounds, darkness, death knell, delay poison, desecrate, detect thoughts, enthrall, find traps, follow aura, ghostbane dirge, hold person, honeyed tongue, inflict moderate wounds, invisibility, knock, perceive cues, remove paralysis, resist energy, restoration, see invisibility (lesser), sacred bond, shark nose (same as bloodhound), shield other, silence, spiritual weapon, steam of the sacred, tongues, undetectable alignment, weapon of awe, whispering waves (same as whispering wind), zone of truth.

3rd-Level Inquisitor Spells—arcane sight, banish seeming, blood biography, cast out, coordinated effort, cure serious wounds, daylight, deeper darkness, dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fester, glyph of warding, halt undead, heroism, hidden speech, hunter’s eye, inflict serious wounds, invisibility purge, keen edge, locate object, magic circle vs. chaos/evil/good/law, magic vestment, greater magic weapon, nondetection, obscure object, prayer, protection from energy, remove curse, remove disease, retribution, righteous vigor, seek thoughts, searing light, speak with dead, stormfire, ward the faithful.

4th-Level Inquisitor Spells—chaos hammer, coward’s lament, cure critical wounds, death ward, defile armor, denounce, detect scrying, discern lies, dismissal, divination, divine power, fear, freedom of movement, forced repentance, geas (lesser), hold monster, holy smite, inflict critical wounds, invisibility (greater), neutralize poison, order’s wrath, rebuke, restoration, sanctify armor, sending, shared wrath, sleepwalk, spell immunity, stoneskin, tattoo (greater , same as greater brand) , tireless pursuers, unholy blight.

5th-Level Inquisitor Spellsatonement, banishment, break enchantment, castigate (mass) , command, commune (greater), cure light wounds (mass), dispel chaos/evil/good/law, disrupting weapon, geas/quest, ghostbane dirge (mass) , hallow, inflict light wounds (mass), mark of justice, resounding blow, righteous might, spell resistance, steam strike, telepathic bond, true seeing, unhallow, unwilling shield.

6th-Level Inquisitor Spells—blade barrier, blasphemy, circle of death, cleanse, cure moderate wounds (mass), dictum, dispel magic (greater), fester (mass) , find the path, forbiddance, glyph of warding (greater), harm, heal, heroes’ feast, holy word, inflict moderate wounds (mass), legend lore, repulsion, undeath to death, word of chaos.

New and Altered Inquisitor Spells[]


Create Air: Creates up to 1 cubic foot of air/level.


Bless SandM: Makes holy sand.

Curse SandM: Makes unholy sand.

Swift Retreat: Your base swim speed increases by 30 ft.


Steam of the Sacred: Gives weapon boiling property.


StormfireM: Makes a permanent, luminescent light.


Steam Strike: Smites foes with divine steam (1d6/lvl damage).

Godaikishi Spells[]

Complete Godaikishi Spell List[]

1st-Level Godaikishi Spellsair bubble, alter currents, body capacitance, boiling disarm, boiling hands, bubble bob, commune with fish, corrosive touch, create air, ear-piercing scream, endure elements, endure pressure, energy weapon, freshwater adaptation, frost, hand of ice, hydraulic push, icicle dagger, neutralize buoyancy, shock shield, shocking grasp, slippery ice, touch of mystic fire, wave shield.

2nd-Level Godaikishi Spellsacid arrow, boiling bubble, boiling gaze, boiling jet, communal endure elements, defensive shock, elemental touch, frigid touch, frost fall, molten sphere, red-hot shuriyari, resist energy, shatter, slipstream, sonic scream, steam breath, stormfire, undertow, water stride, zone of sweetwater.

3rd-Level Godaikishi Spellsair geyser, cloak of waves, communal resist energy, electric arrow, electrical surge, elemental aura, heart of the metal, ice armor, mageboil, protection from energy, silver darts, trial of the benitsuru, trial of the heikegani, trial of the mizugumo, trial of the suibo, water wall.

4th-Level Godaikishi Spellsair walk, boil trap, boiling shield, communal protection from energy, creeping ice, detonate, elemental body I, frazil ice, geyser, greater boiling bubble, river at sea, shout, vitriolic mist, volcanic vent, wall of ice, wall of steam.

New and Altered Godaikishi Spells[]


Boiling Disarm: Heat up an opponent’s weapon to disarm them.

Commune with Fish: Converse with the local fish.

Energy Weapon: Imbue your weapon with elemental energy.

Hand of Ice: Turn one of your arms into a weapon of frost.

Touch of Mystic Fire: Set targets ablaze with mystic fire.


Molten Sphere: Lob a globe of molten metal at your opponent.

Red-Hot Shuriyari: Throw a red-hot shuriyari and do steam damage.

Water Stride: Walk just above the water.

Zone of Sweetwater: Create a zone of water habitable to all aquatic creatures.


Trial of the Benitsuru: Your touch barrages target with acid and cold damage.

Trial of the Heikegani: Your touch barrages target with acid and electricity damage.

Trial of the Mizugumo: Your touch barrages target with acid and sonic damage.

Trial of the Suibo: Your touch barrages target with acid and steam damage.


Boiling Bubble, Greater: Like boiling bubble, but bigger.

Kahuna Spells[]

Complete Kahuna Spell List[]

0-Level Kahuna Spellscreate air, detect magic, detect poison, electrify, guidance, know direction, light, purify food and magic, read magic, resistance, stabilize, virtue

1st-Level Kahuna Spellsalter currents, bane, bless, bristle, bubble bob (same as feather step), call animal, calm animals, charm animal, comprehend languages, crab haul (same as ant haul), cure light wounds, detect animal or plants, endure elements, endure pressure, freshwater adaptation, hide from animals, hydraulic push, ink, jump, keen senses, longstrider, negate aroma, speak with animals, summon sea’s ally I, touch of the sea.

2nd-Level Kahuna Spellsaccelerate poison, aid, animal messenger, animal trance, augury, boiling blade, boiling bubble, boiling gaze, calm emotion, crocodile’s endurance (same as bear’s endurance), delay poison, dolphin’s grace (same as cat’s grace), enthrall, feast of silt (same as feast of ashes), hold animal, lesser restoration, lockjaw , murk, osprey’s splendor (same as eagle’s splendor), osprey's eye (same as eagle eye), reduce animal, resist energy, resist pressure, scent trail, share language, shark’s strength (same as bull’s strength), shield other, slipstream, soften earth and stone, spider climb, spiritual weapon, stone call, summon school, summon sea’s ally II, surf, turtle’s wisdom (same as owl’s wisdom), undertow, wall of jellyfish.

3rd-Level Kahuna Spells— aqueous orb, bestow curse, beast shape I, call red current, cloak of waves, create food and water, create treasure map, cup of dust, cure moderate wounds, daylight, diminish plants, dominate animal, easy breathing, flora growth, hide campsite, hydraulic torrent, invisibility purge, lily pad stride, mass bubble bob (same as mass feather step), meld into stone, nature's exile, neutralize poison, protection from energy, quench, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, school of sardines, speak with plants, spike growth, stone shape, summon sea’s ally III, water walk, water wall.

4th-Level Kahuna Spells— antiplant shell, beast shape II, blight, bloody claws, command flora, control water, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, divination, divine power, frazil ice, freedom of movement, garden of respite, geyser, jumbo shellfish, life bubble, renascence, repel vermin, restoration, river at sea, scathing eels, scrying, sending, spike stones, strong jaw, summon sea’s ally IV, tongues, true form, urchin body (same as thorn body).

5th-Level Kahuna Spells—animal growth, awaken, baleful polymorph, beast shape III, blessing of the salamander, break enchantment, call red tide, commune with nature, control current, cure critical wounds, piranha plague, plague of lamprey, rest eternal, righteous might, snake staff, steaming eel, stoneskin, summon sea’s ally V, threefold aspect, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud, wall of steam.

6th-Level Kahuna Spells—antilife shell, beast shape IV, find the path, greater dispel magic, heroes’ feast, hot spring, livecoral, mass cure light wounds, mass crocodile’s endurance (same as mass bear’s endurance), mass dolphin’s grace (same as mass cat’s grace), mass osprey’s splendor (same as mass eagle’s splendor), mass shark’s strength (same as mass bull’s strength), mass turtle’s wisdom (same as mass owl’s wisdom), move earth, repel wood, school of scales, spellstaff, steam shells, stone tell, summon sea’s ally VI, transport via plants, wall of stone.

7th-Level Kahuna Spells— animate flora, control weather, drifting doom, greater scrying, heal, mass cure moderate wounds, steaming maelstrom, summon sea’s ally VII, transmute metal to wood, true seeing, vortex, wind walk.

8th-Level Kahuna Spells—animal shapes, control flora, discern location, eel's armor (same as stormbolts) , euphoric tranquility, mass cure serious wounds, repel metal or stone, reverse buoyancy, seamantle, seaquake, summon sea’s ally VIII, wall of lava, whirlpool.

9th-Level Kahuna Spells— angry algae, black maelstrom, clashing rocks, foresight, mass cure critical wounds, regenerate, shapechange, summon sea’s ally IX, tides of vengeance, tsunami, world wave.

New and Altered Kahuna Spells[]


Create Air: Creates up to 1 cubic foot of air/level.

Electrify: Electrifies one metallic object, causing 1d4 damage when it is touched.


Alter Currents: Increase/decrease strength of natural currents.

Endure Pressure: Better acclimate to the effects of pressure.

Freshwater Adaptation: Allows one subject to endure freshwater without any ill effects.

Ink: Black squid ink surrounds you.

Summon Sea’s Ally I: Summons sea creature to fight.


Boiling Blade: Touch attack deals 1d8 + 1/two levels steam damage.

Boiling Bubble: Floating bubble of steam deals 3d6 damage.

Boiling Gaze: Inflict 1d6 steam damage to creature.

Murk: Murk obscures vision.

Resist Pressure: Ignore the effects of extreme pressure.

Summon School: Summons swarm of lamprey, squid, or stingrays.

Summon Sea’s Ally II: Summons sea creature to fight.

Surf: Ride the waves at up to 60 feet per round.

Undertow: Creates an undertow that can disorient creatures.

Wall of Jellyfish: Creates a shelter around an aquatic campsite.


Call Red Current: Summons streams of toxic red algae (3d6 per stream) from the surface.

Cloak of Waves: Creates curtain of strong water currents around you.

Easy Breathing: Subjects can breathe air and underwater.

Flora Growth: Grows vegetation and coral life, improves crops.

School of Sardines: Hampers vision and movement.

Summon Sea’s Ally III: Summons sea creature to fight.

Water Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and splash weapons.


Command Flora: Sways the actions of plant and coral creatures.

Frazil Ice: Ice shards deal 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.

Garden of Respite: Creates a small living reef.

Jumbo Shellfish: Turns lobsters or crabs into giant vermin.

Renascence: Brings dead subject back in a random body.

River at Sea: Creates a water current that causes nonlethal damage and can disorient or push creatures.

Scathing Eels: Eels do deal 3d6 electricity damage each.

Summon Sea’s Ally IV: Summons sea creature to fight.


Call Red Tide: As call red current, but 5d6 damage per stream.

Control Current: Changes water current direction and speed.

Piranha Plague: A school of piranha attacks creatures.

Plague of Lamprey: Summons a swarm of disease carrying lamprey.

Steaming Eel: Creates an eel-like path of steam 5 ft. long/level that deals 1d6 steam damage/level.

Summon Sea’s Ally V: Summons sea creature to fight.

Wall of Steam: Deals 2d4 steam damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through deals 2d6 damage +1/level.


Hot Spring: Boiling water does 4d6 damage, fatigues those damaged, and disorients creatures.

Livecoral: Coral becomes coral shepherd.

School of Scales: Turns your body into a swarm that can attack.

Steam Shells: Seashells become grenades and bombs.

Summon Sea’s Ally VI: Summons sea creature to fight.


Animate Flora: One or more plants or coral animate and fight for you.

Drifting Doom: Swarms of jellyfish attack at your command.

Steaming Maelstrom: Deals 1d6/level steam damage.

Summon Sea’s Ally VII: Summons sea creature to fight.


Control Flora: Controls actions of one or more plant or coral creatures.

Reverse Buoyancy: Positive buoyancy becomes negative, and negative becomes positive.

Seaquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.

Summon Sea’s Ally VIII: Summons sea creature to fight.

Whirlpool: Whirlpool deals damage and traps creatures.


Angry Algae: Creates 1d4+2 algoids to fight for you.

Black Maelstrom: Maelstom fills with acid, electricity, and ice.

Summon Sea’s Ally IX: Summons sea creature to fight.

Tides of Vengeance: Increases swim speed; allows you to walk on water; attack with water currents.

Aquatic Magus Spells[]

Complete Aquatic Magus Spell List[]

0-Level Aquatic Magus Spells— acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, electrify, flare, ghost sound, ice-water jet, light, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic.

1st-Level Aquatic Magus Spells— adjuring step, boiling hands, chill touch, color spray, corrosive touch, enlarge person, flare burst, floating disk, frost, frostbite, hydraulic push, illusion of calm, ink, jump, jury-rig, lock gaze, longshot, magic missile, magic weapon, mirror strike, negative reaction, neutralize buoyancy, ray of enfeeblement, reduce person, reinforce armaments, returning weapon, shield, shock shield, shocking grasp, silent image, slippery ice, steed, stone fist, swift retreat, true strike, unerring weapon, unseen servant, vanish, warding weapon.

2nd-Level Aquatic Magus Spells— ablative barrier, acid arrow, alter self, aquatechnics, beastly bearing, bestow weapon proficiency, blood transcription, blur, boiling bubble, boiling gaze, boiling jet, brow gasher, communal reinforce armaments, communal returning weapon, communal steed, crocodile’s endurance, darkness, defensive shock, dolphin’s grace, effortless armor, elemental touch, encapsulate, frigid touch, glitterdust, invisibility, levitate, minor image, mirror image, murk, net, pilfering hand, reloading hands, shark’s strength, shatter, spider climb, steam breath, stone call, tactical acumen, telekinetic assembly, twisted space, undertow.

3rd-Level Aquatic Magus Spells— aqueous form, aqueous orb, arcane sight, beast shape I, blink, burst of speed, cloak of waves, daylight, dispel magic, displacement, easy breathing, electric arrow, electrical surge, elemental aura, fly, force hook charge, force punch, greater beastly bearing, greater magic weapon, haste, hydraulic torrent, keen edge, locate weakness, mageboil, mage thaw, major image, monstrous physique I, phantom mount, ray of exhaustion, school of sardines, slow, swamp water, undead anatomy I , vampiric touch, versatile weapon , water wall .

4th-Level Aquatic Magus Spells— arcana theft, beast shape II, black tentacles, boiling shield, detonate, dimension door, elemental body I, frazil ice, greater invisibility, icy tomb, mass enlarge person, mass reduce person, monstrous physique II, pellet blast, phantasmal killer, quagmire, river at sea, scathing eels, shout, song dragon’s breath, stoneskin, vermin shape I, volcanic vent, wall of ice, wall of sound, wall of steam, wreath of blades.

5th-Level Aquatic Magus Spells— acidic spray, baleful polymorph, beast shape III, cone of ice, corrosive consumption, elemental body II, geyser, interposing hand, monstrous physique III, murkill, overland flight, steaming eel, symbol of striking, telekinesis, teleport, undead anatomy II, vermin shape II, wall of force, wall of stone.

6th-Level Aquatic Magus Spells— acid murk, beast shape IV, boiling light, disintegrate, electrical cascade, elemental body III, flesh to stone, forceful hand, form of the song dragon I, greater dispel magic, hot spring, icy sphere, mass crocodile’s endurance, mass dolphin’s grace, mass shark’s strength, mislead, monstrous physique IV, stone to flesh, transformation, true seeing, undead anatomy III, walk through space, wall of iron.

New and Altered Magus Spells[]


Frost: Alter your opponents’ equipment so that it continuously frosts up.


Beastly Bearing: You gain some of the beneficial qualities of an animal.

Encapsulate: Trap your enemies in a sphere of ice.

Steed, Communal: As steed but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.


Beastly Bearing, Greater: As beastly bearing but you gain two animal qualities.

Mage Thaw: Thaw a large area of ice and do damage to ice elementals or constructs.


Icy Tomb: Entomb an enemy in solid ice.

Aquatic Paladin Spells[]

Complete Aquatic Paladin Spell List[]

1st-Level Paladin Spells—bless, bless sand, bless weapon, challenge evil, create air, cure light wounds, detect poison, detect undead, divine favor, endure elements, ghostbane dirge, grace, hero's defiance, honeyed tongue, knight's calling, lesser restoration, magic weapon, protection from chaos/evil, rally point, read magic, resistance, veil of positive energy, virtue.

2nd-Level Paladin Spells—aura of greater courage, bestow grace, blessing of courage and life, corruption resistance, delay poison, ensnaring currents, light lance, osprey’s splendor (same as eagle’s splendor), paladin's sacrifice, quick armor, remove paralysis, resist energy, righteous vigor, sacred bond, saddle surge, shark’s strength (same as bull’s strength), shield other, turtle’s wisdom (same as owl’s wisdom), undetectable alignment, wake of light, weapon of awe, zone of truth.

3rd-Level Paladin Spells—cure moderate wounds, daylight, discern lies, dispel magic, divine transfer, greater magic weapon, heal mount, holy whisper, ice armor, light of judgement (same as fire of judgment), magic circle against chaos/evil, marks of forbiddance, mass ghostbane dirge, prayer, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, sanctify armor, wrathful mantle.

4th-Level Paladin Spells—blaze of glory, break enchantment, cure serious wounds, death ward, dispel chaos, dispel evil, forced repentance, holy trident (same as holy sword), king’s castle, mark of justice, neutralize poison, oath of peace, resounding blow, restoration, sacrificial oath, stay the hand, steam of vengeance.

New and Altered Paladin Spells[]


Bless SandM: Makes holy sand.

Create Air: Creates up to 1 cubic foot of air/level.


Ensnaring Currents: Your ability to smite evil also entangles your foe.

Quick Armor: Summon armor temporarily replacing your current attire.


Ice Armor: Glacial armor forms on your body with the special qualities of Improved Energy Resistance (cold) and Improved Slick.


Steam of Vengeance: Smited creature takes 3d8 damage.

Sharker Spells[]

Complete Sharker Spell List[]

0-Level Sharker Spellsbleed, capture shark, chronometria, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, lullaby, resistance, stabilize, touch of fatigue.

1st-Level Sharker Spellsalter currents, anticipate peril, blend, blurred movement, bristle, bungle, buoyant force, cause fear, charm animal, command, commune with fish, crab haul (aka ant haul), detect animals or plants, detect chaos/evil/good/law, detect rift, endure pressure, freshwater adaptation, hasten healing I, hydraulic push, hypnotism, jump, lesser confusion, mage armor, magic fang, neutralize buoyancy, ray of enfeeblement, ray of sickening, remove fear, sanctuary, shock shield, shocking grasp, sleep, speak with animals, swift retreat, true strike, vanish.

2nd-Level Sharker Spellsaction, adhesive blood, aid, barkskin, beastly bearing, biolight, blindness/deafness, blood armor, blur, calm emotions, crocodile’s endurance, daze monster, delay, delay poison, detect thoughts, dolphins grace, false life, hasten healing II, invisibility, lockjaw, mirror image, remove paralysis, resist energy, resist pressure, savage maw, scare, see invisibility, shark’s strength, sharknose (aka bloodhound), surf, undertow, zone of sweetwater.

3rd-Level Sharker Spellsarcane sight, aqueous form, aqueous form, blink, burrow, chronostasis, cloak of waves, countless eyes, deep slumber, dispel magic, displacement, easy breathing, fly, gentle repose, greater magic fang, haste, hasten healing III, heroism, hydraulic torrent, neutralize poison, pain strike, poison, protection from energy, protection from pressure, rage, ray of exhaustion, remove disease, resinous skin, sands of time, slow, suggestion, time skip, water wall'.

4th-Level Sharker Spellsatavism, battle trance, black tentacles, bloody claws, charm monster, confusion, death ward, dimension door, fear, freedom of movement, greater beastly bearing, greater false life, greater invisibility, hasten healing IV, lesser simulacrum, locate creature, remove curse, ride the waves, river at sea, rusting grasp, shocking image, spell immunity, stoneskin, strong jaw, true form, urchin body (aka thorn body) .

5th-Level Sharker Spellsabsorb toxicity, break enchantment, breath of life, commune with nature, control current, feast on fear, greater command, greater time skip, hasten healing V, hold monster, hostile juxtaposition, mass pain strike, polymorph, spell resistance, suffocation, telepathic bond, waves of fatigue.

6th-Level Sharker Spellsanalyze dweomer, antilife shell, antimagic field, battlemind link, cloak of dreams, contingency, control water, find the path, fluid form, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, mass crocodile’s endurance, mass dolphins grace, mass shark’s strength, mass suggestion, mislead, repulsion, time heal, transformation, true seeing, word of recall.

7th-Level Sharker Spellscontrol weather, greater arcane sight, greater hostile juxtaposition, insanity, mass hold person, mass invisibility, regenerate, reverse buoyancy, simulacrum, spell turning, vortex, waves of exhaustion.

8th-Level Sharker Spellsantipathy, frightful aspect, greater spell immunity, iron body, mass atavism, moment of prescience, protection from spells, seamantle, sympathy, whirlpool'.

9th-Level Sharker Spellsmage’s disjunction, mass hold monster, mass suffocation, parasitic visage, tides of vengeance, time stop, transmute blood to acid, tsunami.

New Spells for Sharkers, Wizards, and Sorcerers.[]


Capture Shark: (sharker only) Absorb a shark into your essence.

Chronometria: Know what time it is.


Close Rift: Close a rift in the veil.

Detect Rift: Find a rift in the veil or find out-timers.

Generate Karma: Expend a spell-slot to gain some Karma.

Hasten Healing I: One day of natural healing in an instant.


Action: Gain an extra action.

Delay: Destroy someone’s initiative.

Hasten Healing II: Two days of natural healing in an instant.


Chronostasis: Give someone some time out.

Hasten Healing III: Four days of natural healing in an instant.

Open Rift: Open a rift in the veil to a random time.

Time Skip: Skip ahead one round.


Hasten Healing IV: One week of natural healing in an instant.

Rectify: Return an out-timer to their own time.


Erase Object: Erase a small object from existence.

Hasten Healing V: Ten days of natural healing in an instant.

Time Skip, Greater: Skip ahead up to one round per level.


Time Heal: Bring the target’s body back to an earlier, healthier state.


Locate Well: Find an entrance to the Well of Worlds.


Temporal Bubble: Create a bubble outside of time.

Siren Spells[]

Complete Siren Spell List[]

1st-Level Siren Spells—animate rope, beguiling gift, charm person, cloak of fog, comprehend languages, confusion (lesser), hideous laughter, hypnotism, ink, innocence, memory lapse, saving finale, share language, silent image, sleep, solid note, timely inspiration, touch of gracelessness, vanish, ventriloquism.

2nd-Level Siren Spells—animal trance, blur, cacophonous call, calm emotions, daze monster, detect thoughts, enthrall, fog horn, gallant inspiration, ghostbane dirge, glitterdust, heroism, hidden speech, hold person, honeyed tongue, hypnotic pattern, osprey’s splendor (same as eagle’s splendor) , rage, scare, shatter, silt of twilight (same as dust of twilight) , sound burst, suggestion, tongues, touch of idiocy, whispering waves (same as whispering wind) .

3rd-Level Siren Spells—charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, confusion, crushing despair, deep slumber, dispel magic, easy breathing, elemental speech, fog horn (greater), geas (lesser) , glibness, good hope, jester's jaunt, purging finale, reviving finale, sculpt sound, seek thoughts, slow, thunderous drums, water walk.

4th-Level Siren Spells—break enchantment, control water, denounce, discordant, blast, dominate person, fire on the water, freedom of movement, ghostbane dirge (mass) , hold monster, modify memory, rainbow pattern, sending, shout, wandering star motes.

5th-Level Siren Spells— cacophonous call (mass) , cloak of dreams, deafening song bolt,dispel magic (greater) , dream, feeblemind, foe to friend, frozen note, heroism (greater) , mind murk, nightmare, phantasmal net, song of discord, stunning finale, suggestion (mass) , telepathic bond.

6th-Level Siren Spells—charm monster (mass), deadly finale, euphoric tranquility, fool's forbiddance, form of the song dragon II (sonic breath weapon only), geas/quest, irresistible dance, mass osprey’s splendor (same as mass eagle’s splendor) , pied piping, shout (greater) , symbol of persuasion, sympathetic vibration.

New and Altered Siren Spells[]


Cloak of Fog: While on the surface, fog surrounds you.

Ink: Black squid ink surrounds you.


Fog Horn: A thick layer of fog blankets the surface of the water above you.


Fog Horn, Greater: A tangible layer of fog slows objects and creatures on the surface of the water above you.


Fire on the Water: The surface of the water above you burns with fire, dealing damage to shallow creatures.


Mind Murk: Subjects in murk get –10 to Wis and Will checks.

Phantasmal Net: Catches subjects in illusory net.


Form of the Song Dragon II: Turns you into a Large song dragon. Sirens are limited to choose only draconic forms that have a sonic breath weapon.

Aquatic Sorcerer/Wizard Spells[]

Complete Aquatic Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List[]

0-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells— acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, electrify, flare, ghost sound, ice-water jet, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue.

1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells—alarm, alter currents,animate rope, boiling hands, break, bumble bubbles, buoyant force, cause fear, charm person, chill touch, color spray, comprehend languages, crab haul (same as ant haul), crafter's curse, crafter's fortune, dancing jellyfish, detect secret doors, detect undead, disguise self, endure elements, endure pressure, enlarge person, erase, expeditious excavation, flare burst, floating disk, freshwater adaptation, gravity bow, hold portal, hydraulic push, hypnotism, identify, ink, jump, mage armor, magic aura, magic missile, magic weapon, memory lapse, neutralize buoyancy, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, ray of enfeeblement, reduce person, sculpt corpse, sea legs, shield, shocking grasp, silent image, sleep, slippery ice, steed, stone fist, summon sea monster I, swift retreat, touch of gracelessness, touch of the sea, true strike, unseen servant, vanish, ventriloquism, waterproof.

2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells—accelerate poison, acid arrow, alter self, aquatechnics, arcane lock, arrow eruption, blindness/deafness, blur, boiling bubble, boiling gaze, boiling jet, command undead, create treasure map, crocodiles endurance (same as bear’s endurance) , darkness, darkvision, daze monster, detect thoughts, dolphin’s grace (same as cat’s grace) , elemental speech, elemental touch, entrapping bubble, false life, ghoul touch, glitterdust, hideous laughter, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, knock, levitate, locate object, magic mouth, make whole, minor image, mirror image, misdirection, murk, net, obscure object, octopus’s cunning (same as fox’s cunning) , osprey’s splendor (same as eagle’s splendor) , phantom trap, protection from arrows, resist energy, resist pressure, rope trick, scare, see invisibility, share language, shark’s strength (same as bull’s strength) , shatter, silt of twilight (same as dust of twilight) , slipstream, spectral hand, spider climb, steam breath, stone call, stormfire, summon school, summon sea monster II, surf, touch of idiocy, turtle’s wisdom (same as owl’s wisdom) , undertow, whispering waves (same as whispering wind).

3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells— aqueous form, aqueous orb, arcane sight, beast shape I, blink, blood biography, clairaudience/clairvoyance, cloak of waves, daylight, deep slumber, devolution, dispel magic, displacement, draconic reservoir, easy breathing, electric arrow, electrical surge, elemental aura, enter image, explosive runes, fly, gentle repose, greater magic weapon, halt undead, haste, heroism, hold person, hydraulic torrent, illusory script, invisibility sphere, keen edge, mageboil, magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, major image, necrotell, nondetection, pain strike, phantom mount, protection from energy, protection from pressure, rage, ray of exhaustion, school of sardines, secret page, seek thoughts, sepia snake sigil, shifting sand, shrink item, slow, suggestion, summon sea monster III, swamp water, tiny hut, tongues, twilight knife, vacuum bubble, vampiric touch, versatile weapon, wall of jellyfish, water wall.

4th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells— acid bubble, animate dead, aquatic contagion, arcane eye, beast shape II, bestow curse, black tentacles, boil trap, boiling shield, calcific touch, charm monster, confusion, crushing despair, detect scrying, detonate, dimension door, dimensional anchor, elemental body I, enervation, fear, frazil ice, greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain, illusory wall, lesser geas, lesser globe of invulnerability, locate creature, mass enlarge person, mass reduce person, minor creation, mnemonic enhancer (wizard only) , moonstruck, phantasmal killer, quagmire, rainbow pattern, remove curse, resilient sphere, river at sea, scathing eels, scrying, secure shelter, shadow conjuration, shadow projection, share senses, shout, song dragon's breath, stone shape, stoneskin, summon sea monster IV, true form, volcanic vent, wall of ice, wall of steam, wandering star motes.

5th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells— animal growth, baleful polymorph, beast shape III, blight, break enchantment, cone of ice, constricting bubble, contact other plane, dismissal, dominate person, dream, elemental body II, fabricate, false vision, feeblemind, geyser, hold monster, interposing hand, life bubble, mage’s faithful sea lion, mage’s private sanctum, magic jar, major creation, mass pain strike, mind murk, mirage arcana, murkill, nightmare overland flight, passwall, permanency, persistent image, phantasmal net, planar adaptation, lesser planar binding, plant shape I, polymorph, prying eyes, secret chest, seeming, sending, shadow evocation, steaming eel, suffocation, summon sea monster V, symbol of pain, symbol of sleep, telekinesis, telepathic bond, teleport, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud, treasure stitching, wall of force, wall of stone, waves of fatigue.

6th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells— acid murk, analyze dweomer, antimagic field, beast shape IV, boiling light, circle of death, cloak of dreams, contingency, control water, create undead, disintegrate, electrical cascade, elemental body III, eyebite, flesh to stone, fluid form, forceful hand, form of the song dragon I, geas/quest, getaway, globe of invulnerability, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, hot spring, icy sphere, legend lore, mage’s lucubration (wizard only) , mass crocodile’s endurance (same as mass bear’s endurance) , mass dolphin’s grace (same as mass cat’s grace) , mass octopus’s cunning (same as mass fox’s cunning) , mass osprey’s splendor (same as mass eagle’s splendor) , mass shark’s strength (same as mass bull’s strength) , mass suggestion, mass turtle’s wisdom (same as mass owl’s wisdom) , mislead, move earth, permanent image, planar binding, plant shape II, programmed image, repulsion, shadow walk, stone to flesh, summon sea monster VI, symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion, transformation, true seeing, undeath to death, unwilling shield, veil, wall of iron, wards and guards.

7th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells— banishment, control undead, control weather, deflection, elemental body IV, ethereal jaunt, expend, finger of death, forcecage, form of the song dragon II, grasping hand, greater arcane sight, greater polymorph, greater scrying, greater shadow conjuration, greater teleport, insanity, instant summons, lavamark, limited wish, mage’s magnificent mansion, mage’s trident (same as mage’s sword) , mass fly, mass hold person, mass invisibility, mass planar adaptation, phantasmal revenge, phase door, plane shift, plant shape III, power word blind, prismatic spray, project image, rampart, reverse buoyancy, sea titan form I, sequester, simulacrum, slow boil, spell turning, statue, summon sea monster VII, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness, teleport object, vision, vortex, waves of exhaustion.

8th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells— antipathy, , binding, boiling murk, clenched fist, clone, create greater undead, demand, dimensional lock, discern location, eel’s armor (same as stormbolts) , euphoric tranquility, form of the song dragon III, glacial current, greater planar binding, greater prying eyes, greater shadow evocation, greater shout, horrid wilting, iron body, irresistible dance, mass charm monster, maze, mind blank, moment of prescience, polymorph any object, power word stun, prismatic wall, protection from spells, scintillating pattern, screen, sea titan form II, seamantle, summon sea monster VIII, sunburst, symbol of death, symbol of insanity, sympathy, telekinetic sphere, temporal stasis, trap the soul, wall of lava.

9th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells— astral projection, boiling body, clashing rocks, crushing hand, dominate monster, energy drain, etherealness, foresight, freedom, gate, imprisonment, lava swarm, mage’s disjunction, mass hold monster, mass suffocation, power word kill, prismatic sphere, refuge, shades, shapechange, soul bind, summon sea monster IX, teleportation circle, tides of vengeance, time stop, tsunami, wail of the banshee, wall of suppression, weird, wish, world wave.

New and Altered Sorcerer/Wizard Spells[]


Electrify: Electrifies one metallic object, causing 1d4 damage when it is touched.

Ice-Water Jet: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.


Alter Currents: Increase/decrease strength of natural currents.

Boiling Hands: 1d4/level steam damage (max 5d4).

Bumble Bubbles: stream of bubbles disorients creatures.

Buoyant Force: Add or subtract buoyancy from target.

Dancing Jellyfish: A luminescent jellyfish follows you.

Endure Pressure: Better acclimate to the effects of pressure.

Freshwater Adaptation: Allows one subject to endure freshwater without any ill effects.

Ink: Black squid ink surrounds you.

Neutralize Buoyancy: Subject gains zero buoyancy.

Sea Legs: Temporarily turns a merfolk into a landwalker.

Slippery Ice: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.

Steed: Summons hippocampus for 2 hours/level.

Summon Sea Monster I: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Swift Retreat: Your base swim speed increases by 30 feet.

Waterproof: Object becomes impervious to effects of water.


Aquatechnics: Makes coral release a dazzling display of life.

Boiling Bubble: Floating bubble of steam deals 3d6 damage.

Boiling Gaze: Inflict 1d6 steam damage to creature.

Boiling Jet: Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 steam damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3).

Entrapping Bubble: Creates a bubble to trap foes.

Murk: Murk obscures vision.

Net: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with an entangling net.

Resist Pressure: Ignore the effects of extreme pressure.

Steam Breath: Exhale a cone of steam at will.

Stormfire: Makes a permanent, luminescent light.

Summon School: Summons swarm of stingrays, squid, or lampreys.

Summon Sea Monster II: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Surf: Ride the waves at up to 60 feet per round.

Undertow: Creates an undertow that can disorient creatures.


Aqueous Form: Subject becomes insubstantial, gains 0 buoyancy, and becomes immune to pressure.

Cloak of Waves: Creates cloak of strong water currents.

Easy Breathing: Subjects can breathe air and underwater.

Electric Arrow: Arrows deal +1d6 electricity damage.

Electrical Surge: Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.

Mageboil: 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius.

Necrotell: Talk to a deceased drylander.

Phantom Mount: Magic hippocampus appears for 1 hr/lvl.

Protection from Pressure: Protects subject from pressure.

School of Sardines: Hampers vision and movement.

Summon Sea Monster III: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Swamp Water: Nauseating water, 1 round/level.

Vacuum Bubble: Creates a suffocating bubble to trap foes.

Wall of Jellyfish: Creates a shelter around a campsite.

Water Wall: Deflects arrows and splash weapons.


Acid Bubble: Creates a bubble of acid to trap foes.

Aquatic Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease.

Boil Trap: Opened object deals 1d4 damage + 1/level.

Boiling Shield: Creatures attacking you take steam damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.

Frazil Ice: Ice deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.

Quagmire: Blocks vision and slows movement.

River at Sea: Creates a water current that causes nonlethal damage and can disorient or push creatures.

Scathing Eels: Eels do deal 3d6 electricity damage each.

Song Dragon's Breath: Gives you a song dragon’s breath weapon.

Summon Sea Monster IV: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Volcanic Vent: Causes steam to roil upwards, dealing 2d6 damage.

Wall of Steam: Deals 2d4 steam damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through deals 2d6 damage +1/level.


Cone of Ice: 1d6/level cold damage and ice effects.

Constricting Bubble: Bubble constricts for damage.

Mage’s Faithful Sea Lion: Phantom seal lion can guard a location and attack intruders.

Mind Murk: Subjects in murk get –10 to Wis checks.

Murkill: Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.

Phantasmal Net: Catches subjects in illusory net.

Steaming Eel: Creates an eel-like path of steam 5 ft. long/level that deals 1d6 steam damage/level.

Summon Sea Monster V: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Acid Murk: Murk deals acid damage.

Boiling Light: Scorching rays cause 4d6 steam damage, then move on to new targets.

Electrical Cascade: 1d6/level damage and 1 added blast/level.

Form of the Song Dragon I: Turns into a Medium song dragon.

Hot Spring: Boiling water does 4d6 damage, fatigues those damaged, and disorients creatures.

Icy Sphere: Freezes water or deals cold damage.

Summon Sea Monster VI: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Wards and Guards: Array of magic effects protect area.


Form of the Song Dragon II: Turns into a Large song dragon.

Lavamark: Allies gain boiling weapons, immunity to your steam spells, and a one-use jet of steam attack.

Reverse Buoyancy: Positive buoyancy becomes negative, and negative buoyancy becomes positive.

Sea Titan Form I: Turns you into a Large sea titan.

Slow Boil: 1d6/level steam damage; you can postpone blast for up to 5 rounds.

Summon Sea Monster VII: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Boiling Murk: Murk deals 6d6 steam damage/round.

Form of the Song Dragon III: Turn into a Huge song dragon.

Glacial Current: Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage and 1d4 points of Dexterity drain.

Sea Titan Form II: Turns you into a Huge sea titan.

Summon Sea Monster VIII: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Boiling Body: You gain various steam-related powers.

Lava Swarm: Four globs of lava each deal 6d6 steam damage.

Summon Sea Monster IX: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Tides of Vengeance: Increases swim speed; allows you to walk on water; attack with water currents.

Aquatic Summoner Spells[]

Complete Aquatic Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List[]

0-Level Summoner Spells—acid splash, arcane mark, daze, detect magic, guidance, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, read magic, resistance.

1st-Level Summoner Spells—alarm, buoyant force, crab haul (same as ant haul), daze monster, endure elements, enlarge person, identify, jump, lesser rejuvenate eidolon , mage armor, magic fang, magic mouth, neutralize buoyancy, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, reduce person, sea legs, shield, slippery ice, steed, summon sea monster I, swift retreat, unfetter, unseen servant, ventriloquism.

2nd-Level Summoner Spells—alter self, barkskin, blur, crocodile’s endurance (same as bear’s endurance), detect thoughts, dolphin’s grace (same as cat’s grace), entrapping bubble, glitterdust, haste, invisibility, lesser evolution surge, levitate, misdirection, octopus’s cunning (same as fox’s cunning), osprey’s splendor (same as eagle’s splendor), phantom mount, protection from arrows, resist energy, resist pressure, see invisibility, shark’s strength (same as bull’s strength), slow, spider climb, summon eidolon, summon school, summon sea monster II, surf, turtle’s wisdom (same as owl’s wisdom), water wall.

3rd-Level Summoner Spells—aqueous orb, black tentacles, charm monster, devolution, dimension door, dimensional anchor, dispel magic, displacement, easy breathing, evolution surge, fly, greater invisibility, greater magic fang, heroism, locate creature, magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, mass enlarge person, mass reduce person, minor creation, nondetection, protection from energy, protection from pressure, rage, rejuvenate eidolon, seek thoughts, boiling shield, stoneskin, summon sea monster IV, tongues, vacuum bubble, wall of ice, wall of steam.

4th-Level Summoner Spells—acid bubble ,baleful polymorph, contact other plane, dismissal, greater evolution surge , hold monster, lesser planar binding, mage’s faithful sea lion, magic jar, major creation, mass crocodile’s endurance (same as mass bear’s endurance), mass dolphin’s grace (same as mass cat’s grace), mass octopus’s cunning (same as mass fox’s cunning), mass osprey’s splendor (same as mass eagle’s splendor),mass shark’s strength (same as mass bull’s strength), mass turtle’s wisdom (same as mass owl’s wisdom), overland f light, piranha plague, purified calling, sending, summon sea monster V, teleport, transmogrify, wall of stone.

5th-Level Summoner Spells—banishment, constricting bubble, drifting doom, ethereal jaunt, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, greater rejuvenate eidolon, greater teleport, mass invisibility, planar adaptation, planar binding, plane shift, repulsion, sequester, simulacrum, spell turning, summon sea monster VII, true seeing, wall of iron.

6th-Level Summoner Spells—antipathy, binding, boiling murk, dimensional lock, discern location, dominate monster, greater planar binding, mass charm monster, mass planar adaptation, maze, protection from spells, summon sea monster IX, sympathy, teleportation circle.

New and Altered Summoner Spells[]


Buoyant Force: Add or subtract buoyancy from target.

Neutralize Buoyancy: Subject gains zero buoyancy.

Sea Legs: Temporarily turns a merfolk into a landwalker.

Slippery Ice: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.

Steed: Summons hippocampus for 2 hours/level.

Summon Sea Monster I: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Swift Retreat: Your base swim speed increases by 30 feet.


Entrapping Bubble: Creates a bubble to trap foes.

Phantom Mount: Magic hippocampus appears for 1 hr/lvl.

Resist Pressure: Ignore the effects of extreme pressure.

Summon School: Summons swarm of lampreys, squid, or stingrays.

Summon Sea Monster II: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Surf: Ride the waves at up to 60 feet per round.

Water Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and splash weapons.


Easy Breathing: Subjects can breathe air and underwater.

Protection from Pressure: Protects subject from pressure.

Boiling Shield: Creatures attacking you take steam damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.

Summon Sea Monster IV: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Vacuum Bubble: Creates a suffocating bubble to trap foes.

Wall of Steam: Deals 2d4 steam damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through deals damage.


Acid Bubble: Creates a bubble of acid to trap foes.

Mage’s Faithful Sea Lion: Phantom seal lion can guard a location and attack intruders.

Piranha Plague: A school of piranha attacks creatures.

Summon Sea Monster V: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Constricting Bubble: Bubble constricts for damage.

Drifting Doom: Swarms of jellyfish attack at your command.

Summon Sea Monster VII: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Boiling Murk: Murk deals 6d6 steam damage/round.

Summon Sea Monster IX: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Aquatic Witch Spells[]

Complete Aquatic Witch Spell List[]

0-Level Witch Spells—bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, electrify, guidance, light, mending, message, putrefy food and drink, read magic, resistance, stabilize, touch of fatigue.

1st-Level Witch Spells—beguiling gift, boiling hands,buoyant force, cause fear, charm person, chill touch, command, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, dancing jellyfish, detect secret doors, enlarge person, hypnotism, identify, ill omen, inflict light wounds, ink, mage armor, mask dweomer, ray of enfeeblement, reduce person, sea legs,sleep, steed,summon sea monster I, unseen servant.

2nd-Level Witch Spells—alter self, augury, blindness/deafness, boiling gaze, cure moderate wounds, daze monster, death knell, delay poison, detect thoughts, disgorge school, enthrall, false life, feast of silt (same as feast of ashes), fester, find traps, gentle repose, glitterdust, hidden speech, hold person, inflict moderate wounds, levitate, murk, net, perceive cues, pox pustules, scare, see invisibility, spectral hand, status, summon school, summon sea monster II, surf, touch of idiocy, zone of truth.

3rd-Level Witch Spells—arcane sight, bestow curse, clairaudience/ clairvoyance, cup of dust, deep slumber, dispel magic, electrical surge, fly, glyph of warding, guiding star, heroism, jaws, locate object, nature’s exile, necrotell, pain strike, rage, ray of exhaustion, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, school of sardines, screech, seek thoughts, sepia snake sigil, share senses, speak with dead, suggestion, summon sea monster III, swamp water, tongues, twilight knife, vampiric touch, water walk.

4th-Level Witch Spells—arcane eye, black tentacles, charm monster, confusion, crushing despair, cure serious wounds, death ward, detect scrying, dimension door, discern lies, divination, enervation, fear, frazil ice, inflict serious wounds, lesser geas, locate creature, minor creation, moonstruck, neutralize poison, phantasmal killer, poison, quagmire, scrying, secure shelter, sleepwalk, spite, summon sea monster IV, threefold aspect, wandering star motes.

5th-Level Witch Spells—baleful polymorph, banish seeming, blight, break enchantment, contact other plane, cure critical wounds, dominate person, feeblemind, hold monster, inflict critical wounds, magic jar, major creation, mark of justice, mass pain strike, mind murk, murkill, overland flight, plague of lamprey, prying eyes, renascence, rest eternal, secret chest, suffocation, summon sea monster V, symbol of pain, symbol of sleep, telepathic bond, teleport, waves of fatigue.

6th-Level Witch Spells—analyze dweomer, animate objects, cloak of dreams, cone of ice, eyebite, find the path, flesh to stone, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, legend lore, mass cure light wounds, mass fester, mass inflict light wounds, mass suggestion, raise dead, school of scales, slay living, stone to flesh, summon sea monster VI, symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion, transformation, true seeing, unwilling shield, wards and guards.

7th-Level Witch Spells—control weather, electrical cascade, greater arcane sight, greater scrying, greater teleport, harm, heal, insanity, instant summons, mass cure moderate wounds, mass hold person, mass inflict moderate wounds, phase door, plane shift, power word blind, regenerate, summon sea monster VII, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness, teleport object, vision, waves of exhaustion.

8th-Level Witch Spells—antipathy, clone, demand, destruction, discern location, eel’s armor (same as stormbolts), greater prying eyes, horrid wilting, irresistible dance, mass charm monster, mass cure serious wounds, mass inflict serious wounds, maze, mind blank, moment of prescience, power word stun, resurrection, summon sea monster VIII, symbol of death, symbol of insanity, sympathy, trap the soul.

9th-Level Witch Spells—astral projection, black malestrom, dominate monster, elemental swarm, foresight, mass cure critical wounds, mass hold monster, mass inflict critical wounds, mass suffocation, power word kill, refuge, soul bind, summon sea monster IX, teleportation circle, wail of the banshee.

New and Altered Witch Spells[]


Electrify: Electrifies one metallic object, causing 1d4 damage when it is touched.


Boiling Hands: 1d4/level steam damage (max 5d4).

Buoyant Force: Add or subtract buoyancy from target.

Dancing Jellyfish: A luminescent jellyfish follows you.

Ink: Black squid ink surrounds you.

Sea Legs: Temporarily turns a merfolk into a landwalker.

Steed: Summons hippocampus for 2 hours/level.

Summon Sea Monster I: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Boiling Gaze: Inflict 1d6 steam damage to creature.

Disgorge School: Produces a school of lampreys that fights for you.

Murk: Murk obscures vision.

Net: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with an entangling net that can grapple foes and impair movement.

Summon Sea Monster II: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Surf: Ride the waves at up to 60 feet per round.


Electrical Surge: Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.

Jaws: Create a powerful sharklike companion that serves you loyally for 1 minute/level.

Necrotell: Talk to a deceased drylander.

School of Sardines: Hampers vision and movement.

Summon Sea Monster III: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Swamp Water: Nauseating water, 1 round/level.


Frazil Ice: Ice deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.

Quagmire: Blocks vision and slows movement.

Summon Sea Monster IV: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Mind Murk: Subjects in murk get –10 to Wis checks.

Murkill: Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.

Plague of Lamprey: Summons a swarm of disease carrying lamprey.

Renascence: Brings dead subject back in a random body.

Summon Sea Monster V: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Cone of Ice: 1d6/level cold damage and ice effects.

School of Scales: Turns your body into a swarm that can attack.

Summon Sea Monster VI: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Wards and Guards: Array of magic effects protect area.


Electrical Cascade: 1d6/level damage and 1 added blast/level.

Summon Sea Monster VII: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Summon Sea Monster VIII: Summons extraplanar sea creature.


Black Maelstrom: Maelstrom fills with acid, electricity, and ice.

Summon Sea Monster IX: Summons extraplanar sea creature.

Psionics of the Sea[]

This section contains altered and new psionic powers for an underwater game. While the powers from PSIONICS UNLEASHED that were not altered here were designed for a land campaign involving humanoid characters with hands and feet, it is not too hard to extrapolate an underwater effect for them, and fins, flippers, and tentacles can easily replace hands and feet in the description.

Likewise, if a power refers to walking and running, it now refers to swimming and diving. All aquatic races can manifest powers underwater without the need for an extra concentration check (as is normally required for non-aquatic races).

Other Notable Exceptions

Cold Energy Effects: At depths of fewer than 300 feet, powers that create extreme cold also form potentially damaging ice crystals. Below 300 feet, the pressure is too great to form ice from water.

Fire Energy Effects: Instead of fire as an energy type, it is replaced by steam. Steam appears as a billowing white cloud that creates a curtain of steam bubbles above it. Hot water has a shimmering diffraction effect on water that is as obscuring as smoke is on land. Steam-based powers cannot catch flammable objects on fire like fire- based powers can, though most aquatic objects could not be considered flammable in any case.

Electricity Energy Effects: Electricity is a common element under the ocean, though it assumes a much different form than it does on land. On land, electricity is known for its bright crackling arcs of lightning. While these are not unheard of in an undersea setting, the fact is that the oceans rarely get hit with lightning. The surface water of the sea does not typically heat up enough to cause the positive charge needed for lightning to occur. When it does occur, it is almost always near shore. After lightning hits the water, it disperses in a great and terrible electrical sphere that is as deadly as it is undetectable. The picture this paints of underwater electricity is more commonly exemplified by the electric eel. Instead of flashy and sweeping arcs, electricity is known for its invisible spheres of damage.

Floating/Buoyancy Effects: An effect that allows something or someone to float in water changes the polarity of negative buoyancy to equivalent positive buoyancy. If the original buoyancy is 0, the object acquires the buoyancy of a float two size categories smaller (minimum Fine-sized). If the buoyancy is already positive, it doubles. This adjustment remains for the duration of the floatation effect.

Flying Effects: Under the water, effects that let you fly give you 0 buoyancy regardless of load. One-quarter of the fly speed conferred by magic can be applied to the subject’s base swim speed with a successful Fly check, DC 15. Subjects cannot add this speed in areas with a current moving faster than 30 feet, or when they are disoriented.

Prone Effects: Any effect that renders a creature prone instead renders a creature disoriented.

Aquatic Equivalents of Existing Powers[]

Powers from PSIONICS UNLEASHED that are not listed on Table 4-2 below are assumed to work normally (with the exceptions noted previously). Whenever an ability or effect refers to a power listed on the table below, it instead refers to its listed equivalent. Unless otherwise noted, the aquatic equivalents are detailed in this chapter.

Terrestrial Power Aquatic Equivalent
Bite of the Wolf Bite of the Barracuda*
Breath of the Black Dragon Cacophony Dragon’s Breath*
Catfall Jellyfloat
Chameleon Cuttlefish*
Control Air Control Water
Control Fire Control Steam
Exhalation of the Black Dragon Cacophony Dragon’s Exhalation*
Fiery Discorporation Icemeld
Oak Body Wooden Body*
Psionic Lion’s Charge Psionic Dolphin’s Dive*
Skate Slipstream
Stomp Splash
Tornado Blast Whirlpool Blast

*These powers differ in name only; refer to PSIONICS UNLEASHED for their effects.

Undersea Power Lists[]

*Powers marked with an asterisk are detailed in this chapter.

Aquanaut Powers[]

Complete Aquanaut Power List[]

1st-Level Aquanaut Powersanimal affinity, biofeedback, bite of the barracuda (same as bite of the wolf), burst, call to mind, claws of the beast, compression, create sound, cuttlefish (same as chameleon), detect psionics, distract, ectoplasmic sheen, elfsight, empathy, empty mind, entangling ectoplasm, expansion, float, force sheen, fortify, grip of iron, hammer, heightened vision, inertial armor, jellyfloat*, metaphysical claw, metaphysical weapon, minor metamorphosis, my light, natural healing, precognition defensive, precognition offensive, prevenom, prevenom weapon, slipstream*, splash*, thicken skin, vigor.

2nd-Level Aquanaut Powersbody adjustment, body equilibrium, cleanse body, concealing amorpha, control water*, detect hostile intent, dissolving touch, dissolving weapon, ectoplasmic net*, empathic transfer, energy stun (electricity and sonic only), fate leech, gyrostrike*, hustle, painful strike, prowess, psionic dolphin’s dive (same as psionic lion’s charge), psionic scent, specified energy adaptation, thought shield, wall walker.

3rd-Level Aquanaut Powersbody purification, cacophony dragon’s exhalation (same as exhalation of the black dragon), claws of the vampire, danger sense, duodimensional claw, ectoplasmic cocoon, ectoplasmic form, endothermic panoply*, energy burst (electricity or sonic only), escape detection, graft weapon, greater concealing amorpha, hostile empathic transfer, hydraulic shell*, mental barrier, metamorphosis, sharpened edge, touchsight, ubiquitous vision, vampiric blade.

4th-Level Aquanaut Powersadapt body, aqueous coalescence*, claw of energy, energy adaptation, energy current (electricity only), flight, immovability, psychic drain, slip the bonds, steadfast perception, truevenom, truevenom weapon, weapon of energy.

New and Altered Aquanaut Powers[]


Jellyfloat: Gain 0 buoyancy and eliminate the disoriented condition.

Slipstream: Greatly reduce the effects of water resistance and drag.

Splash: Disoriented creatures around you with a tremendous splash.


Ectoplasmic Net: Create and mentally direct a net made out of ectoplasm.

Control Water: Control local water currents.


Endothermic Panoply: Gain slick masterwork glacial armor that confers cold resistance.

Hydraulic Shell: Enshroud yourself with protective pressurized water.


Aqueous Coalescence: Thicken the water around you, slowing down opponents and preventing ranged attacks in the area.

Aquatic Psion/Wilder Powers[]

Complete Aquatic Psion/Wilder Power List[]

1st-Level Psion/Wilder Powersastral traveler, attraction, bolt, broker, call to mind, conceal thoughts, control ice*, control light, create sound, crystal shard, deceleration, defensive precognition, déjà vu, demoralize, detect psionics, disable, dissipating touch, distract, ecto protection, ectoplasmic sheen, empathy, empty mind, energy ray, entangling ectoplasm, far hand, float, force screen, fortify, hammer, inertial armor, jellyfloat*, know direction and location, matter agitation, mind thrust, missive, my light, offensive precognition, offensive prescience, sense link, slipstream*, synesthete, telempathic projection, telepathic lash, vigor.

2nd-Level Psion/Wilder Powersbestow power, biofeedback, body equilibrium, breach, cleanse body, cloud mind, concealing amorpha, concussion blast, control sound, converse, defy gravity, detect hostile intent, ectoplasmic net*, ego whip, elfsight, energy push, energy stun, feat leech, forced sense link, id insinuation, inflict pain, mass missive, mental disruption, minor metamorphosis, natural linguist, psionic lock, recall agony, share pain, specified energy adaptation, sustenance, swarm of crystals, thought shield.

3rd-Level Psion/Wilder Powers— body adjustment, body purification, danger sense, dismiss ectoplasm, dispel psionics, energy bolt, energy burst, energy retort, energy wall, eradicate invisibility, forced share pain, heightened vision, hydraulic shell*, mental barrier, mind trap, psionic blast, sharpened edge, solicit psicrystal, telekinetic force, time hop, touchsight, ubiquitous vision.

4th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers— augured answer, aura sight, correspond, death urge, detect remote viewing, empathic feedback, energy adaptation, fold space, hydrothermal tap*, intellect fortress, mindwipe, personality parasite, power leech, psychic reformation, slip the bonds, telekinetic maneuver, trace psychoport, wall of ectoplasm.

5th-Level Psion/Wilder Powersadapt body, catapsi, ectoplasmic shamble, incarnate, leech field, major ectoplasmic creation, pierce the veils, planar travel, power resistance, psychic crush, shatter mind blank, tower of iron will.

6th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers— aura alteration, cacophony dragon’s breath (same as breath of the black dragon), co-opt concentration, disintegration, fuse flesh, remote view trap, retrieve, suspend life, sustained flight, temporal acceleration, trigger power.

7th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers— bend reality, cosmic awareness, decerebrate, divert teleport, energy conversion, energy wave, ensconce, ethereal passage, evade burst, hypersaturation field*, personal barred mind, psychosis, ultrablast, wooden body (same as oak body).

8th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers— barred mind, body of iron, greater psychoport, hydrokinetic vortex*, matter manipulation, recall death, shadow body, true metabolism.

9th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers— affinity field, apopsi, assimilate, greater ethereal form, microcosm, reality revision, timeless body, unravel psionics.

Psion Discipline Powers[]

EGOIST (PSYCHOMETABOLISM) 1st level: minor metamorphosis, natural healing, thicken skin; 2nd level: animal affinity, chameleon, empathic transfer; 3rd level: ectoplasmic form, hustle, metamorphosis; 4th level: psychic drain; 5th level: psionic revivify, psychofeedback, restore extremity; 6th level: cleanse spirit, greater metamorphosis; 7th level: fission; 8th level: fusion; 9th level: true metamorphosis.

KINETICIST (PSYCHOKINESIS) 1st level: control object; 2nd level: control water*, energy missile; 3rd level: energy cone; 4th level: control body, energy ball, inertial barrier; 5th level: energy current, icemeld*; 6th level: atomic agitation*, dispelling buffer, null psionics field; 7th level: reddopsi; 8th level: psychokinetic sphere; 9th level: whirlpool blast*.

NOMAD (PSYCHOPORTATION) 1st level: burst, detect teleportation; 2nd level: dimension swap; 3rd level: astral caravan; 4th level: expulsion, flight, wrench; 5th level: baleful teleport, psychoport, psychoport trigger; 6th level: banish; 7th level: dream travel, ethereal form; 8th level: mass time hop; 9th level: psychoportation circle, time regression.

SEER (CLAIRSENTIENCE) 1st level: destiny dissonance, precognition; 2nd level: clairvoyant sense, object reading, sensitivity to psychic impressions; 3rd level: escape detection, fate link; 4th level: anchored navigation, remote viewing; 5th level: clairtangent hand, second chance; 6th level: greater precognition; 7th level: fate of one; 8th level: hypercognition; 9th level: metafaculty.

SHAPER (METACREATIVITY) 1st level: astral construct, ectoplasmic creation; 2nd level: reconstruction; 3rd level: greater concealing amorpha, ectoplasmic cocoon; 4th level: modify matter, quintessence; 5th level: hail of crystals; 6th level: crystallize, greater modify matter; 7th level: mass ectoplasmic cocoon; 8th level: astral seed; 9th level: genesis, true creation.

TELEPATH (TELEPATHY) 1st level: empathic connection, mindlink; 2nd level: aversion, brain lock, compelling voice, read thoughts; 3rd level: crisis of breath, hostile empathic transfer, false sensory input; 4th level: memory modification, mind control, schism, thieving mindlink; 5th level: metaconcert, mind probe, synaptic murk*; 6th level: mind switch; 7th level: crisis of life; 8th level: mind seed; 9th level: psychic chirurgery, true mind switch.

New and Altered Psion/Wilder Powers[]


Control Ice: Take control of nearby natural ice source.

Jellyfloat: Gain 0 buoyancy and eliminate the disoriented condition.

Slipstream: Greatly reduce the effects of water resistance and drag.


Ectoplasmic Net: Create and mentally direct a net made out of ectoplasm.

Control Water: Control local water currents.


Hydraulic Shell: Enshroud yourself with protective pressurized water.


Hydrothermal Tap: Create a violent explosion of steam and sound using a psychoportive link.


Icemeld: Discorporate into cold energy and reappear 24 hours later.

Synaptic Murk: Exude a hazy murk that weakens the mental resistance of your enemies.


Atomic Agitation: Create a huge column of boiling water.


Hypersaturation Field: Charge an area of water with your active energy type, damaging all enemies within.


Hydrokinetic Vortex: Create a powerful whirlpool around you.


Whirlpool Blast: Create an atypical water vortex that does damage.

Aquatic Psychic Warrior Powers[]

Complete Aquatic Psychic Warrior Power List[]

1st-Level Psychic Warrior Powersastral traveler, biofeedback, bite of the barracuda (same as bite of the wolf), burst, call weaponry, claws of the beast, compression, conceal thoughts, cuttlefish (same as chameleon), defensive precognition, detect psionics, dissipating touch, distract, elfsight, empty mind, expansion, float, force screen, fortify, grip of iron, hammer, inertial armor, jellyfloat*, metaphysical claw, metaphysical weapon, my light, offensive precognition, offensive prescience, prevenom weapon, prevenom, slipstream*, splash*, synesthete, thicken skin, vigor.

2nd-Level Psychic Warrior Powersanimal affinity, body adjustment, body equilibrium, body purification, concealing amorpha, defy gravity, detect hostile intent, dimension swap, dissolving touch, dissolving weapon, ectoplasmic net*, empathic transfer, feat leech, gyrostrike*, heightened vision, hustle, painful strike, prowess, psionic dolphin’s dive (same as psionic lion’s charge), psionic scent, specified energy adaptation, strength of my enemy, sustenance, thought shield, wall walker.

3rd-Level Psychic Warrior Powers— cacophony dragon’s exhalation (same as exhalation of the black dragon), claws of the vampire, danger sense, dimension slide, duodimensional claw, ectoplasmic form, empathic feedback, endothermic panoply*, escape detection, evade burst, graft weapon, greater concealing amorpha, hostile empathic transfer, hydraulic shell*, mental barrier, sharpened edge, ubiquitous vision, vampiric blade.

4th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers— aqueous coalescence*, claw of energy, energy adaptation, fold space, immovability, inertial barrier, psychic drain, slip the bonds, steadfast perception, truevenom, truevenom weapon, weapon of energy.

5th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers— adapt body, catapsi, metaconcert, psychofeedback, synaptic murk*, wooden body (same as oak body).

6th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers— atomic agitation*, body of iron, cacophony dragon’s breath (same as breath of the black dragon), dispelling buffer, form of doom, personal barred mind, suspend life.

New and Altered Psychic Warrior Powers[]


Jellyfloat: Gain 0 buoyancy and eliminate the disoriented condition.

Slipstream: Greatly reduce the effects of water resistance and drag.

Splash: Disoriented creatures around you with a tremendous splash.


Ectoplasmic Net: Create and mentally direct a net made out of ectoplasm.

Gyrostrike: Entangle a victim of your melee attack with strong water currents.


Endothermic Panoply: Gain slick masterwork glacial armor that confers cold resistance.

Hydraulic Shell: Enshroud yourself with protective pressurized water.


Aqueous Coalescence: Thicken the water around you, slowing down opponents and preventing ranged attacks in the area.


Synaptic Murk: Exude a hazy murk that weakens the mental resistance of your enemies.


Atomic Agitation: Create a huge column of boiling water.
