Library of Metzofitz Wiki

Mind Stone[]

Aura strong clairsentience; ML 17th

Slot none; Price 2,000 gp (1st); 8,000 gp (2nd); 18,000 gp (3rd); 32,000 gp (4th); 50,000 gp (5th); 72,000 gp (6th); 98,000 gp (7th); 128,000 gp (8th); 162,000 gp (9th); Weight


This opaque crystal faintly pulses with an internal light. It contains the knowledge of a single psionic power (chosen by the creator when the item is crafted). If the bearer is a manifester and has that power on her class power list, she may use her power points to manifest that power as if it were one of her powers known. A mind stone is priced based on the power’s psion/wilder, tactician, or vitalist level, unless the power doesn’t appear on either of those power lists, in which case it is based on the highest power level as it appears on any other power list. For example, a power that is on the 4th-level cryptic list and the 2nd-level psychic warrior list is priced as a 4th-level power.

A character can only benefit from a number of mind stones equal to half his powers known from his manifesting ability. Extra powers known from feats like Expanded Knowledge or from effects like psychic chirurgery do not increase this limit.

A character must first attune to a mind stone before he can benefit from it. Attuning takes 24 hours of the mind stone being in the character’s possession. A mind stone can only be attuned to one creature at any time.


Requirements Craft Cognizance Crystal, creator must be able to manifest the power contained in the crystal; Cost 1,000 gp (1st); 4,000 gp (2nd); 9,000 gp (3rd); 16,000 gp (4th); 25,000 gp (5th); 36,000 gp (6th); 49,000 gp (7th); 64,000 gp (8th); 81,000 gp (9th)

Mind Stone, Greater[]

Aura strong clairsentience; ML 17th

Slot none Price 4,000 gp (1st); 16,000 gp (2nd); 36,000 gp (3rd); 64,000 gp (4th); 100,000 gp (5th); 144,000 gp (6th); 196,000 gp (7th); 256,000 gp (8th); 324,000 gp (9th); Weight


This greater version of the mind stone does not require the owner to attune to the stone and there is no limit to the number of greater mind stones the owner can possess and benefit from.


Requirements Craft Cognizance Crystal, creator must be able to manifest the power contained in the crystal Cost 2,000 gp (1st); 8,000 gp (2nd); 18,000 gp (3rd); 32,000 gp (4th); 50,000 gp (5th); 72,000 gp (6th); 98,000 gp (7th); 128,000 gp (8th); 162,000 gp (9th)
