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The disciples of the Solar Wind learn their arts on the windy plains where they train to deliver deadly force and precision in any environment. Throwing weapons and archery are their tools, and they rarely miss. Hallmark maneuvers include ricochet maneuvers, deadly precision strikes, supernaturally forceful maneuvers that may fire through opponents in a deadly line, showers of phantom weapons that inflict true damage, and ranged attack counters which shoot enemy missiles from the sky. Solar Wind’s associated skill is Perception and its weapon groups are bows, crossbows, firearms, and thrown.

The Elements and Solar Wind: The traditionalists of the Solar Wind discipline teach their students the fie is the natural power of the sun, and while this art was developed in sunny mesas and rolling plateaus bathed in winds, there are other environments where the discipline was adapted. From the frozen fjords and frigid taigas comes the icy Glacial Frost variant (cold). From the tropical forests of the world comes the corrosive Virulent Spray variant (acid). Finally, hailing from stormy peaks of wave-tossed islands comes the electrical variant Oncoming Storm (electrical) variant. When a character possesses the Solar Wind discipline, they can decide which variant (if any) is used, changing the standard elemental damage type associated with Solar Wind to that of the variant chosen. This choice is made when the character gains access to the discipline—other variants can be learned whenever the character gains a level in a new class that possesses the Solar Wind martial discipline or through the Variable Wind feat.

Associated Skills: Perception 

Associated Weapon Groups: Bows, crossbows, firearms, and thrown 

Martial Tradition: Acolytes of the Arrow 

Title Veil: The Specialist

Style Feats:

Combo Feats:

Special Note: The discipline of Solar Wind has many maneuvers that are considered to be supernatural abilities, and these maneuvers follow the same rules and restrictions.

1st Level Solar Wind Maneuvers[]

Maneuver Type Description
Curving Ray Shot Strike Roll Perception check against target’s AC, negate cover for this attack.
Horizon Wind Lancet Boost Give a single ranged attack a +1d6 damage bonus.
Phantom Sun Stance Stance Generate phantom ammunition for ranged attacks by copying a single weapon, arrow, or bolt.
Solar Sting Strike Turn a piece of ammunition or a ranged weapon into a field of caltrops.
Stance of Piercing Rays Stance While in this stance fired ranged weapons / thrown weapons gain an additional 1d6 points of fire damage, +1d6/ eight initiator levels.
Steady Hand Boost Increase the range on a ranged attacks by +30 ft.

2nd Level Solar Wind Maneuvers[]

Maneuver Type Description
Feel The Wind Boost Overcome environmental difficulties for ranged combat.
Intercepting Shade Counter Make an opposed attack against an incoming attack against you or nearby ally, success negates the attack.
Solar Flare Strike Make a ranged attack and add +2d6 fire damage and ignore cover.
Solar Lance Strike Ranged attack that inflicts an additional 2d6 damage and allows for a bull rush attempt as part of the strike.

3rd Level Solar Wind Maneuvers[]

Maneuver Type Description
Blinding Ray Shot Strike Ranged attack becomes infused with blinding light.
Phantom Wind Ray Boost Next ranged attack is sheathed in dazzling light to obscure it, target must make an opposed Perception check to the attack roll or be caught flat-footed.
Solar Reflection Strike Make a ranged attack at a foe with a +2d6 damage bonus, if this attack is successful you can ricochet the shot to another enemy within 20 ft. using the same attack roll (no bonus damage).
Sunwalker Stance Stance May make attacks while moving, +4 AC vs ranged attacks.

4th Level Solar Wind Maneuvers[]

Maneuver Type Description
Dazzling Solar Flare Strike Make a ranged attack against a foe, inflicts +4d6 points of fire damage and chance of dazing.
Disarming Gust Strike Make a ranged disarming attack the inflicts 3d6 points of damage to the target and disarms them.
Searing Break Boost All ranged attacks gain +3d6 points of fire damage for the round.
Solar Storm Strike Make a ranged attack at target creature or at the space it occupies, creates a brief but fierce cyclone that protects against and prevents ranged attacks.

5th Level Solar Wind Maneuvers[]

Maneuver Type Description
Blinding The Bull Boost Automatically confirm a critical threat on a missile weapon attack.
Double Solar Reflection Strike Shot strikes three targets with one attack roll. First target takes +4d6 damage, second takes +2d6 damage, third just takes weapon damage. No two targets can be more than 20 ft. apart.
Focused Solar Lance Strike Make an attack that if successful, inflicts an additional 5d6 points of damage and potentially pins target.
Solar Wind Lancet Boost Next ranged attack gains +4d6 points of damage for the round, potentially knocks foe down.

6th Level Solar Wind Maneuvers[]

Maneuver Type Description
Burning Break Boost All ranged attacks gain +5d6 points of fire damage for the round.
Solar Meteor Blow Strike High fired shot that when it lands on target inflicting +6d6 points of damage and creates a massive gust of wind capable of knocking surrounding foes down.
True Shot Stance Stance Ignore concealment, double the threat range on ranged attacks.
Twisting Wind Shot Strike Make a ranged attack, successful attack is treated as a critical hit.

7th Level Solar Wind Maneuvers[]

Maneuver Type Description
Phantom Sunstorm Boost Creates a hail of quasi- real weapons that strike with the real one, causing maximum damage on a single attack
Stunning Solar Flare Strike Make a ranged attack against a foe, if successful the target takes an additional +8d6 points of damage and has a chance of being stunned.
Triple Solar Reflection Strike Shot strikes four targets with one attack roll. First target takes +6d6 damage, second takes +4d6 damage, third takes +2d6 damage, and the fourth attack takes normal damage. No two targets can be more than 20 ft. apart.

8th Level Solar Wind Maneuvers[]

Maneuver Type Description
Aurora Break Boost All ranged attacks gain +8d6 points of fire damage for the round.
Solar Hailstorm Stance Stance Gain 2 extra attacks on any full round attack with a ranged weapon and add initiator attribute modifier to damage rolls.
Solar Wind Tsunami Strike With a single arrow or thrown weapon, generate a phantom wave of arrows in a 60-ft. cone, inflicts 15d6 + IL (+20 max) points of damage to all in the area of effect.

9th Level Solar Wind Maneuvers[]

Maneuver Type Description
Solar Wind Nova Strike Fire a phantom volley of burning arrows into a 20-ft. burst hitting all targets within its area, inflicting 10d6 damage and 10d6 fire damage and may leave targets knocked prone.