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Descriptors: Title

Class: Rajah

Slot: Headband

Saving Throw: None

Glyphs hover around the edge’s of the Diviner’s eyes, flaring to life and granting them a brief glimpse of events to come.

As a standard action, the entitled can glimpse into the future and perfectly divine the results of an upcoming action, allowing them to change its results. Until the end of the entitled’s next turn they gain one mote of divination. Whenever the entitled is targeted by an attack or when they make an attack roll, they can expend one mote of divination to gain a +20 insight bonus to their AC against that attack or a +20 insight bonus to their attack roll. When making an attack modified by this ability, that attack ignores a target’s concealment, the effects of the mirror image spell, or similar effects or abilities. The choice to spend a mote must be made before the attack is rolled.

Whenever the entitled casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability of the divination school, they can instead use this ability as a move action, but doing so reduces the insight bonus provided by this ability to +10. They can choose to spend this action as part of casting that spell to allow them to spend a mote of divination granted by this ability to alter an attack made as part of using this spell with this ability.

When the entitled rolls for initiative, or if they use this ability a second time, the effects of this veil immediately end. If the entitled initiates combat and surprises their foe, they instead retain and may spend a single mote of divination on an attack they make during the surprise round.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, the duration of this veil’s special ability increases by 1 round. For every 2 points of essence invested in this veil, the veil grants an additional mote of divination when its special ability is used.

Chakra Bind (Headband): The entitled’s ability to glimpse and alter the immediate future expands in both scope and power. While under the effects of this ability, the entitled may expend a mote of divination to affect the attack roll of another creature or to affect the AC of another creature against a single attack within Close range (25 feet + 5 feet per two veilweaver levels) instead of only their own attacks or attacks made against them, but doing only provides only a +10 insight bonus (+5, if this ability was used as a move action).
